Member Posts: 12 ★
best champs for legend run? i have a ultron 4/55 can i get it????
Overall probably not the best but it may be worth a shot.
Change that to using his L2. The cauterize amps his whole special so more chances to crit means the more likely ou are to get a decent payoff
Below 4:15 should be safe for this month’s. Batting above is borderline. And anything above 4:25.... you have a better chance at rolling 3/3 for featured.
With the standard legend run boosts and masteries, SL on an iPhone 7/8 can do the monthly event quest legend run with relative ease. But he’ll never be as fast as gwenpool or IF or a few others in this content.
Don’t waste the time or effort on any phone below an iPhone 7.
Running for this month’s too?