RRN recruiting. AQ - 886/600m+ / AW Optional - 1 BG, Gold 1.
Rico's Roughnecks are recruiting.
For AQ, we currently do 886 (epic/master mods for Map 6). We currently get 600m+.
For AW, we do 1BG wars, and get Gold 1 rewards (Tier 1/2 wars). We have 13 people interested in war, and some folks do half seasons (6 wars) and still get full rewards.
We use line for communication. If you're interested, contact me on line, or in game - TheBroook
For AQ, we currently do 886 (epic/master mods for Map 6). We currently get 600m+.
For AW, we do 1BG wars, and get Gold 1 rewards (Tier 1/2 wars). We have 13 people interested in war, and some folks do half seasons (6 wars) and still get full rewards.
We use line for communication. If you're interested, contact me on line, or in game - TheBroook