Very laid back, AQ-focused alliance looking for new members. No line required; AW is optional.

We’re rebuilding our alliance to be more AQ-focused. We’re looking for members who will participate in AQ most of the time.
We completely understand that real life comes first, so we are quite casual and laid back. We do not use line or any other external messenger.
We have run 2 AQ maps in the past – usually map 5 or 4 for BG1 and map 3 or 2 for BG2. As we are rebuilding the alliance, we are currently running map 4, but hope to be back at map 5 soon. Ultimately, we’d like to run 3 maps for various skill levels.
AW is completely optional.
All are welcome regardless of experience or story progress. All we ask is that you treat everyone with respect and participate in AQ for most battles. We understand that everyone has a life outside of the game, so if you miss AQ battles here and there, but generally participate most of the time, that is absolutely fine.
You can message me in game; my username is LordValek. You can message me back here on the forum. Our alliance name is [P_F_F] Play For Fun.

We completely understand that real life comes first, so we are quite casual and laid back. We do not use line or any other external messenger.
We have run 2 AQ maps in the past – usually map 5 or 4 for BG1 and map 3 or 2 for BG2. As we are rebuilding the alliance, we are currently running map 4, but hope to be back at map 5 soon. Ultimately, we’d like to run 3 maps for various skill levels.
AW is completely optional.
All are welcome regardless of experience or story progress. All we ask is that you treat everyone with respect and participate in AQ for most battles. We understand that everyone has a life outside of the game, so if you miss AQ battles here and there, but generally participate most of the time, that is absolutely fine.
You can message me in game; my username is LordValek. You can message me back here on the forum. Our alliance name is [P_F_F] Play For Fun.
