Yay ! Mutant Domination Carina Challenge Down

Pretty happy about the challenge, it was fun & had great luck with the RNG of AI especially, Nameless Collector.
Here’s the breakdown of items usage for split 3/5 path.
Team Mutant:- 6*R3 unawakened Red Magneto, 6*R3 unawakened Apocalypse, 6*R3 awakened Cable, 6*R3 awakened Stryfe & 5*R4 awakened White Magneto.
1. IMIW - Magneto - (solo)
2. IW - Apoc/Cable - (solo)
3. GHULK - Apocalypse (Stryfe Ramp-up) - 4Revive + Team revive -1
4. YJ - Stryfe/Apocalypse - 6Revive
5. MORDO - Stryfe (make HORSEMEN) - 1Revive (white mag pre-fight)
6. Mephisto - Stryfe - (solo)
7. Thor Rag. - Stryfe (white mag pre-fight) - 1Revive
8. Ægon - Stryfe/Apoc - 1Revive (almost a solo; get 1st charge for Apoc in the end)
9. Mr.Sinister - Stryfe/Apoc (Get Apocalypse 3 charge) (finish the fight with Apoc @4 charges ) - 1Revive
10. Thing - Cable/Apoc - 1Revive
11. Red Skull - Magneto/Apoc - 7Revive
12. Bishop - Cable/Apoc - 6Revive
13. Korg - Stryfe - (solo)
14. Havok - Apocalypse - (solo)
15. Champion - Stryfe - 4Revive
16. Ghost - Stryfe - 1Revive
17. Karnak - Cable - 1Revive
18. Collector - Stryfe (white mag pre-fight) - 6Revive+ lvl5 HP- 4 (used all other champs who were alive to chip out some damage) Use 30% Attack boost + 15% attack boost + 20% Health Boost
13177 units @ start
11873 units @ end
Total units spend = 1304
180 free 3h crystals (really bad RNG for revives)
Use 15% attack boosts + 20% Health boosts
Total revives used = 40 revives + 1 Team revive & lvl4 health potions - 12 (some potions in inventory)
Here’s the breakdown of items usage for split 3/5 path.
Team Mutant:- 6*R3 unawakened Red Magneto, 6*R3 unawakened Apocalypse, 6*R3 awakened Cable, 6*R3 awakened Stryfe & 5*R4 awakened White Magneto.
1. IMIW - Magneto - (solo)
2. IW - Apoc/Cable - (solo)
3. GHULK - Apocalypse (Stryfe Ramp-up) - 4Revive + Team revive -1
4. YJ - Stryfe/Apocalypse - 6Revive
5. MORDO - Stryfe (make HORSEMEN) - 1Revive (white mag pre-fight)
6. Mephisto - Stryfe - (solo)
7. Thor Rag. - Stryfe (white mag pre-fight) - 1Revive
8. Ægon - Stryfe/Apoc - 1Revive (almost a solo; get 1st charge for Apoc in the end)
9. Mr.Sinister - Stryfe/Apoc (Get Apocalypse 3 charge) (finish the fight with Apoc @4 charges ) - 1Revive
10. Thing - Cable/Apoc - 1Revive
11. Red Skull - Magneto/Apoc - 7Revive
12. Bishop - Cable/Apoc - 6Revive
13. Korg - Stryfe - (solo)
14. Havok - Apocalypse - (solo)
15. Champion - Stryfe - 4Revive
16. Ghost - Stryfe - 1Revive
17. Karnak - Cable - 1Revive
18. Collector - Stryfe (white mag pre-fight) - 6Revive+ lvl5 HP- 4 (used all other champs who were alive to chip out some damage) Use 30% Attack boost + 15% attack boost + 20% Health Boost
13177 units @ start
11873 units @ end
Total units spend = 1304
180 free 3h crystals (really bad RNG for revives)
Use 15% attack boosts + 20% Health boosts
Total revives used = 40 revives + 1 Team revive & lvl4 health potions - 12 (some potions in inventory)
Next, I’m gonna do LEFTOVER path 5/3 split with Carina Challengers run. My team is
1. 6*r3 awakened Falcon
2. 6*r3 awakened Moleman
3. 6*r2 Morningstar/6* r3 Diablo (have to decide)
4. 5* r5 awakened ULTRON
5. 5* r5 sig200 Void
I still need to farm some revives
Well, white mag pre-fight is an icing on cake for
1. collector fight but parry’s will work above 40% health bar, after that it just won’t trigger. Whereas,
2. It is great for MORDO’s astral evade (u can technically negate it).
3. Thor (Ragnarok) power gain on parrying normal which u can simply bypass it with Pre-fight.
U can swap it with your 6*r4 kitty if you’re pretty skilled with playing her. You can do most out of it even better in saving resources.
I don’t have her yet. But I wish you good luck with this strategy.
Cheers !
As for your advice:
1. Collector fight won't matter much I think if I have 6r4 kitty and 6r3 stryfe.
2. Yeah thats gonna suck
3. That too
I also haven't done one abyss path so don't really know what I'm talking about except what I know from a few guides. Will wait and get good with kitty before trying a run!
6* R3 Apoc
6* R2 White Magneto
6* R1 Stryfe
5* R5 Red Magneto
Seems like you didn’t use Cable much, so I could bring my 6* Kitty or whatever instead.
Starting with 5 changes in fights and specially against collector.
YJ, Thing, bishop & karnak (just parry once & push him to corner and do 3 consecutive heavy’s again parry & do 3 heavy’s) rinse & repeat this. Cable put some great work on these fights.
You can have kitty in place of cable, by keeping white mags to get those pre-fights.
If anyone could explain why split is better with these challange would be great help, doing my run this weekend for the mutant challange
Speaking for Thor ragnarok fight, if you parry him he’ll gain power gain for the duration of stun lingers on him. That means each parry debuff will give him some power gain while he’s stun, which is tough to control the power as he’s spamming sp1 & sp2 a lot. Here, white mag pre-fight comes handy it’s a passive stun so no power gain on any parry’s, just manage his 20 hit count passive power gain which can be control through throwing your special attack.
Now, comes cable. He can do some great fights in abyss if synergize with Apoc. If you are good with parry heavy cheese then he’ll save some great resources.
Btw, You can look up on YouTube vids, prof.X can solo most of the fights in abyss but there are other champs too who does that as well. Suicides in abyss is bit expensive if you have to switch masteries over each fights. Let me know if you looking for any other concerns.
Good luck for your run !