What is the best use of the Temporal Picks?

We get a total of 4 Temporal Picks for free.
Is the best use going for the rarest item (6-star sig crystal is only present in Week 4)?
Is the best use going for which Week overall has the lowest percentage of things you'd be happy with (Eg. Week 3 since it has only 10% and 15% chance of giving 6-star shards, while the rest is 5-star related things that you don't really have a use for)?
Or is there some other strategy/recommendation?
Is the best use going for the rarest item (6-star sig crystal is only present in Week 4)?
Is the best use going for which Week overall has the lowest percentage of things you'd be happy with (Eg. Week 3 since it has only 10% and 15% chance of giving 6-star shards, while the rest is 5-star related things that you don't really have a use for)?
Or is there some other strategy/recommendation?