Is sound fx and music lame?

tuposacptuposacp Member Posts: 165
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
Ok so as long as I remember since the early days when I started playing this game, since the first month I guess, I have always kept this game mute. I find the music and sound effects so lame and annoying I can’t stand it. Champs screaming after fight but no sound from mouth. Punches don’t hit and still makes sound. Did you guys check ghost riders block breaker sound? Almost feels like a coin sound not a chain and so short for animation. I’m one of those who observes this small stuff and likes them to be close to real experience. So what do you think guys ?

Is sound fx and music lame? 27 votes

Yes it is lame and should be changed
FlazinatorBigPoppaCBONEGbSarkarNoob_2yrsMEKA5AppieTheLazyKingLosspikMSRDLDIrakliThe_Prankster16TROUBL3DBUZZdog3000tuposacpSpiritOfVengeancegohard123CassyHzoridolann__Scare_Reaper2 20 votes
No I like these unkool music effects
Vdh2008stakErza_ScarletRaganatorwatchingyousleeWabziedder123 7 votes


  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I play with the music off and the sound effects on but turned right down to barely being able to hear them.
    Some sound effects are useful, Yondus whistle for example
  • LosspikLosspik Member Posts: 253 ★★
    edited October 2017
    Yes it is lame and should be changed
    To be fair I think the sound effects are fine remember it's a mobile game and download size can be problematic in some countries adding more sound effects would up the game size considerably the fight music though has had the same track since day 1. We could really do with a few more tracks maybe difdifferent ones per fight arena. Would go along way to breaking up the monotony
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    I’ve had sound/music off since about a week after downloading it over 2 years ago.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    No I like these unkool music effects
    I keep it on when alone. I don't mind it.
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    Yes it is lame and should be changed
    I think it would be good if there were more options to customise the sound. For example; I would like to be able to enable the in-fight sound fx, but disable the menu sound fx. I think the music could definitely do with a refresh. Currently, I play with all sounds/music turned off.
  • ZenioZenio Member Posts: 106
    The home screen music makes me sleepy
  • FallencircusFallencircus Member Posts: 339 ★★★
    I am one of those that has had the sound off since the beginning. I always find it’s jarring if I watch a YouTube video when they have the sound on.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Yes it is lame and should be changed
    The_One wrote: »
    I play with the music off and the sound effects on but turned right down to barely being able to hear them.
    Some sound effects are useful, Yondus whistle for example

    I had no idea his whistling had a sound. I have had mine on mute since the day I downloaded the game 18 or so months ago. Would have been helpful to know that.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    Sound on creates a drain on memory and therefore adds to lag which is why most mute the game. The music and effects are fine and typical for a mobile Marvel IP branded superhero fighting game. I have pals who score games as well as do indie game v/o work so I'm aware of how difficult, low-paying and thankless the jobs are especially when snot-nosed punks **** all over their work.
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