Arena tips requested

Hi folks, I am trying to recruit more Sinister Six members to join my team of crushing Spider-Man!
I noticed there is a Scorpion arena starting in a couple of hours, would like to grind for him there as much as possible.
Any tips on how to build the longest streak, get the most points?
Thanks in advance
(unless you Spider-Man!)
I noticed there is a Scorpion arena starting in a couple of hours, would like to grind for him there as much as possible.
Any tips on how to build the longest streak, get the most points?
Thanks in advance

My recommendation:
Rounds 1-5 start with 5*r1's
Rounds 6-9 use lowest 6*r1's
Rounds 10-20 use your strongest 6*s, hopefully you have enough to get to at least streak 20
From 21+ run through your champs in this order:
6*'s until all are on cooldown
5*r5-r3's until all are on cooldown
4*r5's until all are on cooldown
then run through them all again as they come off cooldown.
Use boosts if you have them. When using boosts, maximize efficiency by refreshing those champs with the arena boosts until the arena boosts expire.
Very strongly recommend running LC/DE masteries to make these fights go as fast as possible. And ideally to help assist with maximizing points to time, put on champion and attack boosts.
Good luck!