Requesting Kabam to please put og deadpool or og vision in the new valor event

As the title says please put og vision or og deadpool in the valor event store. Its almost 3 yrs since the game has started and we have a really big and active community. Since the game has been released there has been only 3 runs of deadpool and arena and maybe only 1000 players in the ENTIRE game have him. As for og vision you have to buy him so for grinders and poor people AKA like me its hard for us to get such good 4 star champs and since the game is being shifted to focus more on 5 and 6 star champs 4 stars are gonna be redundant. So I beg of you guys please put anyone of these champs into the next event.
He didn't come back when his first movie was released.
I used to grind a lot but after 12.0 its hard to do any feature of the game with the constant lag and kabam turning a blind eye to many of the important issues in game. Lost so many units to potions and revives just because of kabam being a **** and not giving back resources which were used because of their mistake.
he actually came when deadpool was released. That was his 3rd and final arena