Minor-Major MoM Spoiler in Marvel Insider Mail

LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
Just a heads up for anyone who's been trying to avoid All Spoilers for the Multiverse of Madness, particularly if you've been avoiding Trailers, there's a character mention in one of the Marvel Insider Rewards detailed in the in-game mail.
*Don't read this spoiler tab or in-game mail if you're trying to remain completely spoiler free*

They have 4 characters in the 2 Star Bundle that are seemingly implied to be connected to the movie, and one of them is Professor X which if you haven't seen any of the Trailers is a pretty major spoiler for The Illuminati or just X-Men MCU Introductions in general.
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