Is Act 4 possible without Parry

I’m on act 4 and it isn’t easy, I have dexterity and it saved my butt a lot but I noticed that everyone has
parry, is it possible to beat Act 4 without parry?
My Team
4* IceMan 3/30
4* Gwenpool 3/30
4* Rocket Racoon 3/30
5* Magneto 1/25
4* Venom 3/20
I also have:
4* X-23 1/10
3* Spider-Man 4/40 (Max)
3* Symbiote Spider-Man 4/40 (Max)
3* Miles Morales 4/40 (Max)
4* Captain America 2/10
4* Punisher 2099 2/5
3* Spider-Gwen 4/40 (Max)
parry, is it possible to beat Act 4 without parry?
My Team
4* IceMan 3/30
4* Gwenpool 3/30
4* Rocket Racoon 3/30
5* Magneto 1/25
4* Venom 3/20
I also have:
4* X-23 1/10
3* Spider-Man 4/40 (Max)
3* Symbiote Spider-Man 4/40 (Max)
3* Miles Morales 4/40 (Max)
4* Captain America 2/10
4* Punisher 2099 2/5
3* Spider-Gwen 4/40 (Max)
Also, do the T4B arena and join an alliance that does map 5 to get more T4Bs. And get your Iceman and Gwenpool to rank 4. Will save you a LOT of items. Also, rank up that X-23 ASAP.
Also I’m 40k and I’m not a Map 5 skill player so yea just sayin
Map 5 isn't even that hard. What you see on YT videos are people with higher prestige alliances. The higher the prestige, more difficult the fights are.
Join an alliance to try it out. Your X-23 alone can carry you throughout the map at rank 4.
Oh well I am a leader of a 1 mil alli and map 3 alone is 9000 rating mini bosses and a 19000 Dorm at the end, idk if I’m really that skilled to do map 5 but I’ll try
Ah well, if you want to progress faster, not sure being a leader is a good option at this point in the game.
Or if you just wanna chill, that's cool too.
Also, just cause you're a leader of an alli doesn't mean you can't promote someone else and just be an officer.
2. Parry & Dexterity are not mutually exclusive abilities. Both are good to have. A skilled players will use them *both* interchangeably throughout a match.
3. Since you're still new-ish to the game, max out your 3-star champs--they'll help you with arena scores. (An arena boosted 3* at 4/40 will net you way more points than the same 4* at 3/30 ).
4. The OP stated that he's currently low on gold. Remember that running map 5/6 requires a much heftier gold/loyalty/BC contribution than running the free maps.
5. Take your time. You & your alliance will grow together. Enjoy the progression & you'll know when you & your mates are ready to take that next step.