What are characters that needs buffs, but not reworks? And how would you do it?

MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
edited May 2022 in Suggestions and Requests

Why do this?

While it is easy to buff a character to make them Ghost/Kitty/Quake/Fury/Doom/Etc. levels of good, I highly doubt Kabam would actually turn all these characters into some OP content clearing machines. So for my buffs I aimed at making the character better, but not overtuning them to unrealistic standards. I think if we can pitch them a realistic buff idea they might end up testing an idea they didn't consider before or they might get a good laugh at how terrible I am at balancing champs. Either way it is a win for someone out there.

In this post I suggested buffs for the following two characters:


I think this is probably the easiest one IMO to buff, I think Taskmaster is a great champion with a couple of akward parts. If we can remove these akward parts he can be a lot better to play as. Keep in mind he already comes with a pretty nice AAR and some great damage potential, he is just hard to play. So that is why I think the following changes might end up making him better:

-Expose weakness change -----> Sp1/Sp2/Sp3 are now all considered as "Special Attack" Meaning if your opponent throws their Sp1 and you are stuck on 2 bars of power. You Special attack will be considered a succesful exploit since their last attack was a special attack.
-Learn the Foe Passive ----> I am not sure if this one works TBH. I took Taskmaster into the EQ Skill chapter and he was effected by 9 poison debuffs from Immortal Abom and he had already triggered 3/4 weakness debuffs + some debuffs from the global node. Meaning he had well over 10 debuffs applied to him but didn't go debuff immune.

I think this change alone is enough to make him easier to play, if you wanted to go further you could consider making some synergies basekit for him like they did for Mordo or maybe being more generous with some timers for his abilities.


I am the best champion in the game from a cool perspective, but I feel like in the current state the whole "utility or damage" rotation isn't cutting it. I NEED my Sp3 to get decent damage going, but I need my Sp2 for powerdrain. I need my 2nd Medium for damage but my 4th light attack for heal block. The Sp1 is purely a defensive ability. I think there are three options on how to make this better:

-Option 1: Give me some form of Power Gain. As it currently stands I need to spam Sp3 on repeat for damage, but that means I cannot acces utility. So maybe a form of Power Gain can fix this.
-Option 2: Massively extend my Sp3 duration. Right now the peak duration of my Sp3 gas bonus is 22 seconds. That's not a lot of time to work with when I need to build up back to my 3 stacks of gas for damage. So I would say make this duration a lot longer.
-Option 3: Give me more gas. Make it so each ability can only spend a max of 3 gas, but let me build up to more gas. If I could (for example) access 10 gas charges. And then use an Sp3, spam heavy, spam heavy, do a 2 combo's I would be between my Sp1-Sp2 and would have done a lot of damage being back at 3 gas charges. This would also make the awakend ability more potent.

In conclusion

I think these changes/suggestions could push Kabam into the right way for changing these two specific characters. Obviously there are more options that I might have missed. Take these as nothing more than suggestions. With less and less characters needing buffs and more being in need of reworks, I think we can try our best to suggest changes to make these buffs as good as they can realistically be. I hope you found this post useful and if anyone from Kabam reads this, I hope you rig my next 6* crystal so I get myself...I mean I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • Barri8Barri8 Member Posts: 108
    Gwen pool, I will not elaborate.
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★
    Should probably add a tldr of ability suggestions.
  • TheBlindSalmonTheBlindSalmon Member Posts: 87
    Annihilus. Sauron synergy already works quite well for that, but longer stifle duration is something he really needs, or maybe refresh them with heavy instead of sp1. It would also be nice if he had something more going for him in regards to taunts - either not having his damage reduced or some kind of self taunt mechanic, maybe even both. And one last thing I'm not sure about because it would limit his hard counters a lot, but maybe make armor break no longer remove cosmic rod.
  • IkthulisIkthulis Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2022
    Taskmaster and Mysterio I would agree and maybe just tweak the numbers a little more.

    Taskmaster: higher % concussions, not a lot, just a little.

    Mysterio: 22 seconds is not a lot but, his poison damage is pretty crazy. Maybe a couple more seconds but, not too much. To be fair, a power gain would give him too much, unless said power gain came to him if the defender is poison immune.

    My suggestions…

    Guillotine: 4% life steal. 2% was not flattering and 3% was not much of an improvement. 4% is double the initial number so, can’t really ask for more than that. Add to her signature ability. Something, anything… Maybe a synergy or something. Just feels like the upgrade wasn’t entirely worth waiting for. Especially after a long vote and whatnot…

    Any champion with super soldier serum: Bleed, rupture and poison resistance 10-25%. Somewhere in that range. They’re super soldiers, that stuff doesn’t really bother them as much! “I can do this all day!”

    Moonknight: should probably get in on the invulnerability action! Maybe a synergy if it must be. Seriously even if it’s just the same as Punisher’s invulnerable.

    Phoenix: Incinerate resistance 100%. Seriously… Increase the fury potency. Increase the healing capability or, give it a cooldown. I mean, if you can last a long enough time in a fight getting worked over, Phoenix should be able to resurrect. Like How Corvus gets his charges back after 50 seconds or so. Make her worth her prestige.
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,957 ★★★★★
    VTD, remove buff limit for 1 fight
  • Barri8Barri8 Member Posts: 108
    Vision (AOU) make his awakened ability into his base kit, and some numbers bump.
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Stealthy, apply web cartridge debuff on heavy.

    This would allow him to counter nodes like mix master and tunnel vision if the defender has some form of limber.
  • Barri8Barri8 Member Posts: 108
    Maybe iron infinity war, numbers bump and make it easier to refresh the plasma charges.
  • Badass84Badass84 Member Posts: 317 ★★★
    I'd go for the real classic 2015 - Champs.

    How about the classic Cap. He could be the Apocalypse for the Avengers. A prefight-ability that makes any hero better and especially for the original Avengers (Iron Man, Thor, Widow, Hawkeye and Hulk) each of them could be "assembled" and gets a big boost for some features. And he has a bigger perfect block and stun-chance and a kind of second life like Hercules called "I can do this all day".

    Classic Iron Man should get a pre-fight and rotation like Sorcerer Supreme.
    1st is Arc Reactor Healing
    2nd is Arc Reactor Power
    3rd is Arc Reactor Rage

    Star Lord could get the chance to take his combo with em.

    Doc Strange should become as good again as he was at the beginning of the game.

    And there are a lot more...
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    -Increase base attack significantly
    -Massively increase potency of fury and armor break
    -Add incinerate immunity, evade counter on base attacks
    -Stay in each state untill you do some specific action
    -Remove the second part of his sig ability
  • Yodabolt21Yodabolt21 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022

    Base Kit updates:

    -Immune to nullify, stagger, slow and armor break
    -40% bleed resistance (does not apply against skill champs)
    -+2200 physical resistance

    Attack updates:

    -First M: 65% chance to be unblockable if performed as a dash attack
    -Second M: if performed while the opponent is against the wall, finishing a 5 hit combo with this attack will pause his personal fury buff for 2.5 seconds
    -SP1: Grants him a non stacking, 12.5 second fury granting +2200 attack
    -SP2: (Unblockable) If this attack breaks a block, each hit is guaranteed critical. Refreshes fury buffs
    -SP3: Inflict 2 indefinite random debuffs on the opponent (stagger, exhaustion, fatigue or wither). If this attack is launched while the opponent is stunned, all 4 debuffs are inflicted. ALL debuffs are removed from the opponent if Rhino is stunned.

    Sig Ability: Each debuff on the opponent increases Rhino's base attack by 125 to 750

    I guess this is sort of a larger update, but still, this man would be a BEAST now! Haha
  • MysterioMysterio Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★


    Base Kit updates:

    -Immune to nullify, stagger, slow and armor break
    -40% bleed resistance (does not apply against skill champs)
    -+2200 physical resistance

    Attack updates:

    -First M: 65% chance to be unblockable if performed as a dash attack
    -Second M: if performed while the opponent is against the wall, finishing a 5 hit combo with this attack will pause his personal fury buff for 2.5 seconds
    -SP1: Grants him a non stacking, 12.5 second fury granting +2200 attack
    -SP2: (Unblockable) If this attack breaks a block, each hit is guaranteed critical. Refreshes fury buffs
    -SP3: Inflict 2 indefinite random debuffs on the opponent (stagger, exhaustion, fatigue or wither). If this attack is launched while the opponent is stunned, all 4 debuffs are inflicted. ALL debuffs are removed from the opponent if Rhino is stunned.

    Sig Ability: Each debuff on the opponent increases Rhino's base attack by 125 to 750

    I guess this is sort of a larger update, but still, this man would be a BEAST now! Haha

    I know they didn't buff a Russian character due to the recent news. I expect it might be Rhino who might have a buff ready to go once we solve the worlds issues.
  • NastyPhishNastyPhish Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Iron man. Leave him identical. Just add a single fury passive for 100% atk that scales down with his health. As long as he has armor ups. So a 100% hp iron man would have 200% attack. A 1% hp iron man would have 101% atk. So it’s like the suit is getting weak. Maybe add a little reliable heal. Suit something-or-another. Could even be the sig.

    Cosmics or mystics would still mess him up. But I think it would make him fun.
  • DanthexmanDanthexman Member Posts: 197
    Imo, the champs power levels in the game should be proportionate to their power levels in the comics or movies. Eg, gods such as Thor and Odin should be way more powerful than someone like Falcon. Same with massive characters like Dormammu. Just my thoughts anyway. Also all the OG avengers and xmen need to be buffed. They were the original drawcards.
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    Doesn't Peni have that synergy with Mysterio that makes him not use gas? How useful is that for him?

    Anyway, Dr Voodoo, possibly. Maybe some way for his SP1 to properly punish Poison immune champs, as a few Cosmics you might want to use SP1 against are Poison immune... and Spirit Venom counts as a Poison.

    Ronan has a fairly decent kit (in the few situations where it is effective, it can be very effective)... but he just needs to do more when his kit... isn't.
  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★

    Doesn't Peni have that synergy with Mysterio that makes him not use gas? How useful is that for him?

    It’s actually very useful, I took mine to r3 because of it. Pumps out some solid dmg.
    Mysterio said:

    -Option 3: Give me more gas.

    Sorry to have to comment on this, but it just brought out my inner middle school boy again.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,541 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022
    Increase base stats for Ebony maw

    Increase base stats for Ghost rider

    Increase base stats for rouge with increased duration of buff steal with mechanic to pause that duration in different ways.

    This 3 have potential to get to top spots if their base stats can get solid boost.
  • GarloGarlo Member Posts: 267 ★★
    Beast, he has an ability similar to Knull where he reduces the power that enemies gain, but in that mode he does not inflic bleeding. If the bleed damage was increased, both fight modes had bleeds and crit damage was increased in acrobatic mode, Beast would be very good champ.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,455 ★★★★★
    edited May 2022

    Make his effects refresh and Control-Box cycle on different hits. Extend his refresh to all the effects he triggers on the SP2 on either champion but balance them accordingly. Move the Special Lock down to SP1 and the Power Drain to SP2 and extend the duration but not the potency.

    Boom. Utility god.
  • JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Ghost Rider
    Increase duration of judgements. Final judgement lasts for about 40-45 seconds

    Increased attack for each judgment active

    Penance stare reduced ability accuracy of villains and provides a massive crit rate boost

    Reworked sig ability
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  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★

    It's pretty tricky maintaining her stolen buffs at the best of times; and with the fact almost all champions for the last three years have had special Attacks several seconds long, almost any special attack from the opponent = lost buffs.

    Addition to Signature:
    Stolen buffs gain up to 60% duration.

    Special Attacks
    During the opponent's Special Attacks, Rogue's buff timer slows to half speed. This does not apply to Tech champions.
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    Although Civil Warrior already got reworked and his okay, he could do with a little tweak so he doesn't ruin the pace of fights with his Fury refresh mechanic.

    Maybe he could get a different way to refresh Fury buffs?
  • LorddrewLorddrew Member Posts: 297 ★★
    Groot, New mechanic (create axe buff with sp1)
    He can do shock dmg on contact and armor breaks with heavy,
    increase potency on fury, and SP2 with new mechanic sacrefice axe for major heal yesss do it yess
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★

    Although Civil Warrior already got reworked and his okay, he could do with a little tweak so he doesn't ruin the pace of fights with his Fury refresh mechanic.

    Maybe he could get a different way to refresh Fury buffs?

    I wonder if he wouldn't be a lot more fun to play if you'd turn things around and he built up fury buffs with his attacks but had a way to transform them into armor ups if he ever needs them. Let's say he gets a fury every five basic hits (just like he gains armor ups now) + on intercepts, then he can convert them into armor up buffs one after another by holding block. If he performs a perfect block, he automatically gains an armor up buff.

    That way, you could beef him up when you really need it, such as if he needs to survive a special attack. It would work well with his sig ability as well since it places a weakness debuff on the opponent while he blocks specials. He wouldn't just decrease the damage taken by holding block but actively build up extra armor up buffs to further mitigate the damage. However, it would be more situational and not gimp/slow down his offensive capabilities.
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