Lo-xa Replacing 1-2 Members

We are looking to replace a member or two after this AQ series.

We are high gold 1/border of p4 (full transparency- we missed the first war of this season and will end up gold 2 for this season only)

AQ we have a map 6, 7, and 8 group. I am NOT looking for map 6 members at this time as we are looking to move away from map 6 when we can.

We are a very friendly group of guys, most of us have been together for a long time. Our guys are one more helpful than the next.

USA/Canada time zones preferred.
Must be Thronebreaker with a semi decent roster so we aren’t placing garbage champs on defense unless necessary.

Reach out to Joestacks85 on Line if you are interested, thanks! (Please send screenshots of your champs along with your profile when you message me)


  • Joestacks85Joestacks85 Member Posts: 187
    Update: we finished gold 1 anyway. Still looking for 1-2 members.
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