Ultron do not get function (cauterize) after sp2

Mav3NMav3N Member Posts: 14
I have been noticing this issue from long. I am always taking my R3 6* ultron to aq (Map5), I have noticed that ultron do not get Function (Cauterize) after sp2 against Morningstar and Ultron Drones. I have gone through the abilities of ultron but I don't find anything which results this. Whether this is supposed to happen or its a bug ?

You can find my team in snapshot of AQ.


  • Nightkiller7314Nightkiller7314 Member Posts: 117
    Mav3N said:

    I have been noticing this issue from long. I am always taking my R3 6* ultron to aq (Map5), I have noticed that ultron do not get Function (Cauterize) after sp2 against Morningstar and Ultron Drones. I have gone through the abilities of ultron but I don't find anything which results this. Whether this is supposed to happen or its a bug ?

    You can find my team in snapshot of AQ.

    with no bleeds, there will be no cauterize
  • Mav3NMav3N Member Posts: 14
    But he gets cauterize against mutant drone. Now you would tell that mutant drone gets affected with degen, so cauterized.. Right ?
  • XylphXylph Member Posts: 22
    Drones are bleed immune, mutant one gets degen, they are not degen immune thus cauterize
  • MaratoxMaratox Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    Mav3N said:

    But he gets cauterize against mutant drone. Now you would tell that mutant drone gets affected with degen, so cauterized.. Right ?

    The degen is because it’s a mutant, and Ultron’s bleeds become degens whenever he fights a mutant
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, as some mentioned, Ultron's Function (Damage) will attempt to apply a Bleed if the opponent is not a Mutant, but will instead try to apply Degeneration Debuff if the target is a Mutant. Function (Cauterize) removes effects applied by Function (Damage) in order to work, so if Function (Damage) isn't able to apply one of its effects to a target, (Cauterize) won't be able to provide its damage boost to a special attack.
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