Thoughts on Game Improvements

I have been playing pretty steadily for the past 2 years and wanted to put my 2 cents on on possible game improvements going forward.
1) Crystal Drop Rates: with the addition of 6* champs soon, Premium Crystals are no longer as valuable, as 2* will become the new 1*. I feel the Grandmaster Crystal is a step in the right direction for higher tier, longer playing players, but still the drop rates could be improved. Maybe have another way to earn 3* Crystals easier.
2) Lesser and Greater Solo Crystals: remove the XP Boost rewards from these crystals period, or for all players already at level 60. If removing them is not an option, then how about something similar to the Grandmaster Crystal for solo events with better rewards that do not include the unwanted and unneeded XP Boost.
3) Alliance Help: I am an arena grinder, and there is nothing as frustrating as asking for energy "Help" for each champ one at a time. Likewise, pressing "Help" for 1 or even 4 champs at a time for my alliance mates is equally frustrating and takes up unnecessary amounts of time. The player base has been clamoring for a "help all" button for long enough. If a help all option is not available or it is a question of "loyalty" points, I suggest the following.
a) Remove the energy help all together and shorten the champ refresh times
b) Replace earning "loyalty" with energy help and make Loyalty points automatic at login, similar to the Daily Crystal
4) Bases and Mastery's: I have no idea how to code a mobile game, but I can't imagine that removing the Bases tab and all of the blank Mastery spaces would be difficult. We know it is sort of a running jokes with bases "coming soon" but enough is enough already. Yes neither is anywhere close to a priority, but would go a little to make the game "feel" better.
5) Alliance black out period: I understand the reasoning for the blackout period at the time of its implementation was to prevent players from "gaming" the system for AQ rewards, but now that there are only 3 AQ Tiers, the blackout period is no longer needed.
Just my thoughts on some game play improvements.
1) Crystal Drop Rates: with the addition of 6* champs soon, Premium Crystals are no longer as valuable, as 2* will become the new 1*. I feel the Grandmaster Crystal is a step in the right direction for higher tier, longer playing players, but still the drop rates could be improved. Maybe have another way to earn 3* Crystals easier.
2) Lesser and Greater Solo Crystals: remove the XP Boost rewards from these crystals period, or for all players already at level 60. If removing them is not an option, then how about something similar to the Grandmaster Crystal for solo events with better rewards that do not include the unwanted and unneeded XP Boost.
3) Alliance Help: I am an arena grinder, and there is nothing as frustrating as asking for energy "Help" for each champ one at a time. Likewise, pressing "Help" for 1 or even 4 champs at a time for my alliance mates is equally frustrating and takes up unnecessary amounts of time. The player base has been clamoring for a "help all" button for long enough. If a help all option is not available or it is a question of "loyalty" points, I suggest the following.
a) Remove the energy help all together and shorten the champ refresh times
b) Replace earning "loyalty" with energy help and make Loyalty points automatic at login, similar to the Daily Crystal
4) Bases and Mastery's: I have no idea how to code a mobile game, but I can't imagine that removing the Bases tab and all of the blank Mastery spaces would be difficult. We know it is sort of a running jokes with bases "coming soon" but enough is enough already. Yes neither is anywhere close to a priority, but would go a little to make the game "feel" better.
5) Alliance black out period: I understand the reasoning for the blackout period at the time of its implementation was to prevent players from "gaming" the system for AQ rewards, but now that there are only 3 AQ Tiers, the blackout period is no longer needed.
Just my thoughts on some game play improvements.