What villain would you like to see take over the contest in AQ season 5?

My vote personally would be for Dr. Doom but I know that's a long shot. Hopefully, it's not Mephisto with that soul regeneration...
Carnage is incredibly easy to kill. Unless he gets updated he's one of the worst characters in the game right now. I'd literally take a duped Khamala over him right now.
You know he was joking, right?
Dormammu- worshipers and followers
Mephisto doesn’t own anyone and he’s not a villain in contest but a store keeper. We’ll see more options to buy stuff from him.
Now who’s got really amazing power and control over stuff? OBVIOUSLY HELLA! she’s new , no one knows how to fight her and she will be badass and equiped with degen for sure.
Welp that's pretty much gone.