LOL Easy Path Unit spend?

Anyone know how much units someone would spend doing the easy path in LOL? Given that you're an average/decent player with a 4 5/50 dup SL? I'm reading a lot of post on this but they are not mentioning if they 100% it or just the easy path. I'm interested in ONLY the easy path; Completion. If you've completed the easy path I'm hoping to get your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Because he deals the most dmg before the enrange timer.
Your wallet.
not even close - 3k for a 4/55 SL will go up WAY more than 1k for a 5/50. The damage output and enrage timers will make a much larger difference than just going from 3k to 4k. 5-6k if you're lucky with the 4 star equivalent.
Actually now that I think about it, you’re right. You can’t solo any bosses with a 4* so it would make the cost rocket up.
What u also have to factor in is it being your first time running LOL as the AI and long fights over and over take some getting used to. Also, majority of fights will still take 3-4 revives even if u play perfectly.
I know some have used 5/50 SL and done for 6000 units on ez path