Stuck on act 5.2.4

WillemadnnelWillemadnnel Member Posts: 1
edited May 2022 in Strategy and Tips
Howzit going lads, I've been playing MCOC for the past 5-6 years but have 0 strategy. Basically a bull in a porcelain store. So I need some assistance please my main champs are Corvus, black widow claire, red guardian, white widow and Longshot/domino. So who should I rank up next and take with me to 5.2.4 etc


  • BadahBadah Member Posts: 320 ★★
    crossbones, colossus, moleman
  • willemadnnel117willemadnnel117 Member Posts: 74
    I actually have a 6* R1 Molestar. He comes in handy against evades etc
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Corvus, with any charges at all, can sweep the health pools in front of you, virtually ignoring masochism and bane. We are taking about a Collector run, and you’re at Lines in the Sand, right? I’m not that bright, don’t want to misunderstand. Assuming that’s true, I’d just item up and get thru him. Corvus is as good a counter as any for collector. And there are few champs as sustainable as Claire, esp for bane (sp2 with bleed up forever).

    Frankly, I’d rank for 5.3, and assume you need a champ in every class, since those class specific penalties are coming. If you need a science, she hulk is a great one.
  • Dash855Dash855 Member Posts: 239
    Claire can destroy the caltrops path. Back dash a bunch of times till you get to sp2, fire it, and repeat. Maybe bait a few specials so you don’t die
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