The Synergy buffs vs LEADERSHIP

Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
(Well meaning rant incoming)

Ok remember when leadership was removed? It was because Kabam wanted to make players feel less pigeonholed intonising specific teams


Judging by the leaks for Ragnorok and Hela their synergies are taking a HUGE leap in bugging Loki especially!

Between the 2 Loki will auto generate up to 2 bars and when the enemy is cursed always count as having more health. When dealing with end game enemies that’s HUGE if you don’t know what his Sp2 does

Not to mention Ragnorok and Hela’s interactions.

And Ragnorok+Hulk? INSANE boost for hulk entering 20% allowing him to basically GUARENTEE a kamikaze death making him even better!

But Perfect Block? NAH!!! Actually buffing the Champion’s abilities? NO WAY IN THE NAME OF THE CONTEST!

And let’s look at BLADE! His special synergies are probably the best example of what they SHOULD be:
Danger sense buffs to apply to all mystic, all villains and gain increased potency

In return? GR gets better Judgement chances against heroes and mercs, Stark Spider gets a faster damage output and Mephisto’s enemies lose 30% energy resistance

Nothing groundbreaking but they really work! Blade especially cuts through more enemies helping an already great champ become a valuable counter to more champs.

Yet we need otherchamps buffed to useable! Not though “SPECIFIC TEAMS” which WERE REMOVED BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOWEVER, If you INSIST on only buffing champs through synergies FINE! Just give a lot of the older champs synergies that help them in teams with both older and newer champs too! Black Bolt has 5 slots and it looks like the little “Synergy box” in the champion display can hold up to 8 so NO REMOVAL just adding! And please try to give them other buffs too… I doubt Shulk or other ABSOLUTE BOTTOM tier champs can survive solely on Synergy buffs

Six stars ARE COMING! I want you to ask yourself “would I keep playing if THIS was my first 6* champion?”


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I don't know why would you complain about this. Would you prefer "normal" sinergies instead of unique sinergies or what?
    If you want champions to be buffed then you can just wait for it to happen, since it was already confirmed that the team have plans to change a lot of champions
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I don't know why would you complain about this. Would you prefer "normal" sinergies instead of unique sinergies or what?
    If you want champions to be buffed then you can just wait for it to happen, since it was already confirmed that the team have plans to change a lot of champions

    If you actually read this you’d know I’m actually arguing that Leadershipt should come back, I’m okay with unique synergies IF they work more like blade where it’s just a nice little boost and not game changing like Medusa-Blackbolt, and I’m not against old champs getting them added alongside their old synergies.

    However, I’m mostly complaining because they said they were removing Leadership for making the roster too restricted into feeling like you needed a specific team. We also don’t know what’s going to happen next year, Champions should be buffed normally but you can’t argue that Unique Synergies that are being added every other week don’t buff existing champs.

    And as much as you dislike regular synergies id still like them alongside the unique ones. Black bolt has the five and it looks like he in laericular could actually hold 8 so… yeah a bit of both would be really neat.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I don't know why would you complain about this. Would you prefer "normal" sinergies instead of unique sinergies or what?
    If you want champions to be buffed then you can just wait for it to happen, since it was already confirmed that the team have plans to change a lot of champions

    If you actually read this you’d know I’m actually arguing that Leadershipt should come back, I’m okay with unique synergies IF they work more like blade where it’s just a nice little boost and not game changing like Medusa-Blackbolt, and I’m not against old champs getting them added alongside their old synergies.

    However, I’m mostly complaining because they said they were removing Leadership for making the roster too restricted into feeling like you needed a specific team. We also don’t know what’s going to happen next year, Champions should be buffed normally but you can’t argue that Unique Synergies that are being added every other week don’t buff existing champs.

    And as much as you dislike regular synergies id still like them alongside the unique ones. Black bolt has the five and it looks like he in laericular could actually hold 8 so… yeah a bit of both would be really neat.

    Aaaannd I've lost interest. They were taken out of the game for a reason.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    ForumGuy wrote: »
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I don't know why would you complain about this. Would you prefer "normal" sinergies instead of unique sinergies or what?
    If you want champions to be buffed then you can just wait for it to happen, since it was already confirmed that the team have plans to change a lot of champions

    If you actually read this you’d know I’m actually arguing that Leadershipt should come back, I’m okay with unique synergies IF they work more like blade where it’s just a nice little boost and not game changing like Medusa-Blackbolt, and I’m not against old champs getting them added alongside their old synergies.

    However, I’m mostly complaining because they said they were removing Leadership for making the roster too restricted into feeling like you needed a specific team. We also don’t know what’s going to happen next year, Champions should be buffed normally but you can’t argue that Unique Synergies that are being added every other week don’t buff existing champs.

    And as much as you dislike regular synergies id still like them alongside the unique ones. Black bolt has the five and it looks like he in laericular could actually hold 8 so… yeah a bit of both would be really neat.

    Aaaannd I've lost interest. They were taken out of the game for a reason.

    Except they went from leadership to making champs only work with certain teams again
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