If you could take 3 champs into unknown content?

Let's say you could choose 3 champs (all duped) into a unknown quest, who would you choose?
I would choose Moleman, Guardian and BWCV. Looking forward to see your choices.
Sorry for the english spelling btw.
I would choose Moleman, Guardian and BWCV. Looking forward to see your choices.
Sorry for the english spelling btw.
Truth is, I can go 30 minutes not getting touched while quaking, but it’s boring AS HELL. Only use her if absolutely necessary, cuz I wanna enjoy the game. But yes, haven’t had difficulty with content outside of late act 6 when I use her, and about 8 characters counter her.
I think Diablo and Warlock fit both categories. They both cover an immense amount of ground and I do like using them. There are better mystics and techs than those two, but that duo would be a very versatile one.
The last spot is trickier. I would probably say Ghost in order to deal with all kinds of damaging debuffs. However, I'm not a Ghost player myself so if I'm speaking strictly about who I would personally bring, I'd probably go with Hercules or King Groot instead. They are both more or less immortal. I don't have a 6* Hercules so I haven't tested him out in any endgame content myself, but from what I've seen after using my 5* in AQ, he's such a cheese code. King Groot, meanwhile, is just a tank. He is so hard to kill. It's insane. Plus, he's an amazing robot killer. I was planning on having Red Magneto on the list, but I axed him simply because King Groot can already deal with robots so well. Not better than Mags, but good enough that I don't really feel like I need to dedicate a spot to Mags.
Raw damage, DOT, static immunities, variable immunities, power control, heal blocking.
The degen of cable can stack and though some champs are resistant to degen i took ham few months back on side quest with cables degen though he gains resistance to it. So i blindly take these three in a quest.
Cable with apoc can literally counter 90% things in here.
Plus apoc starts with 4 charges. And cable does not need to be horseman (for caltrops yes) so u can use apoc with full potential from fight 1.
This team counters the following and has following abilities ( i will not mention which champ does what guess everyone can figure that out)
Evade counter, purify counter, disorient immunity, inc bleed poison immunity, power control, regen, burst damage, bleed poison(Dot) , weakness, degen, buff control, biohazard counter, nullify, poison resistance, concussion, etc