Arena ranking divided by rank

Hi there, I think the Arena ranking is one for everyone right? If you are not thronebreaker or beyon with a crazy 6* roster, you can't really go that far, and competing with professional players is also hard or unfair.... like for the scarlet witch Arena. I like the idea, but I guess some people or professional youtuber will spend a lot of money into it (by recharging the character)? How to compete with peoples who have 200 6* if I have 50 6* heroes?
Could it be possible to have Arena ranking related to our level/rank, like arena ranking for uncollected, for Chavalier, for thronebreaker we have chance to competing with peoples in our range....with perhaps different rewards? Like for a tournament, I'm not competing directly with the best player in the world, that go progressively....
Could it be possible to have Arena ranking related to our level/rank, like arena ranking for uncollected, for Chavalier, for thronebreaker we have chance to competing with peoples in our range....with perhaps different rewards? Like for a tournament, I'm not competing directly with the best player in the world, that go progressively....