Cavalier seeking new Alliance

Hey guys,

Looking for a new alliance. My stats:
Prestige 9525, Rating 813998

I play AQ and AW every day. Laid back alliance preferred.


  • Doofy64Doofy64 Member Posts: 31
    We plan on a 655x5 aq schedule with wars pushing gold2/1. Hit me up on line if you're interested
  • Ioniqus_797Ioniqus_797 Member Posts: 124
    Join us at ReRe1 if ur are active in AQ and AW.
  • Tiger3_0Tiger3_0 Member Posts: 15
    Doofy, what’s your Alliance name?
  • TW1800TW1800 Member Posts: 163
    Well we are P4 run map 6x5 if you want a slight challenge hit me trey1800 on line
  • Krishna24Krishna24 Member Posts: 415 ★★★
    check Protectors of superman tag POSM
  • Doofy64Doofy64 Member Posts: 31
    Our alliance name is Kings of the North and our tag is 64usc
  • Spartan_Samurai1Spartan_Samurai1 Member Posts: 54
    If you are looking for a Chill (but Deadly) alliance, check us out... [ChBDd]

    No pressure, no Line. We run Map 5x5. and typically Silver 1 in AW.
  • Tiger3_0Tiger3_0 Member Posts: 15
    I think a Gold 2 Alliance, pushing Gold 1 with good game/life balance in my ideal fit.
    For AW I can commit 6*R2s or maxed 5*s, whatever’s better for the team.
    Please leave your alliance name and I’ll check it out.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,182 ★★★★★
    Tag DCHAP

    Or search -Riptide- and add me

    We are Gold 3 pushing gold 2 and AQ 554
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 334
    Hey there. We are a pretty laid back relaxed alliance. That being said, we are still active. We hit most alliance event milestones, we are gold 2, two BG optional war, we run 5x5 for 300 mil in AQ. We finish 5-6 hours early. It's your pace, all I expect is you do your part in AQ and war of you join. Chat is pretty quiet most of the time, but if you ask a game related question, there's a lot of knowledgeable players here and they will answer you. I'm a good leader, I make sure it's organized and running smoothly. Come join us. We use line app. Only707 is my id
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 334

  • DzogolaDzogola Member Posts: 2
    Relaxed alliance, G1/2, Map 5/6. We focus on fun and camaraderie. If everyone shows up, tries, and communicates, we’re all good. We want to win, but we want it to be an enjoyable time with friends. Let me know if you’re interested!
  • Tiger3_0Tiger3_0 Member Posts: 15
    Hi Onky, I tried messaging you in Line, but getting “user not found.” In any case, your alliance sounds ideal, but full. If you have a spot in the future please send me an invitation. My in game ID is Tiger3-0
  • Tiger3_0Tiger3_0 Member Posts: 15
  • Tiger3_0Tiger3_0 Member Posts: 15
    Dzgola, what’s your Alliance name?
  • OnkyOnky Member Posts: 334
    Sorry, auto correct. Onky707. I friended you in game
  • Tiger3_0Tiger3_0 Member Posts: 15
    Let’s try this again 😊. The last group I was in was a little too intense, and the game and started feeling like a 2nd job. So providing a bit more detail, and please contact me in Line if you Alliance could be a fit. Line ID Tiger3-0.

    I’m an adult professional, play for fun, but also committed to progressing. I have a bunch of 6*s at R2 who I’d love to get to R3, so will be working towards Thronebreaker. In the meantime I plan to AQ everyday, and commit strong defenders to AW. Here’s my roster, let me know you Alliance name if you’re interested. Thanks!

  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 4,901 ★★★★★
    Have a Spot in a laid back alliance. AQ Map 4/4/5, AW optional. Line required.

  • Tiger3_0Tiger3_0 Member Posts: 15
    Hi, thanks for the note. I think Gold 2 or 3 is the right fit for me at this point
  • ThatKidAGEThatKidAGE Member Posts: 44
    Hey bud, what about Silver 2 on the basis of growing and becoming a stronger alliance?
  • KiLLFiRE72KiLLFiRE72 Member Posts: 10
    Hey, I have a couple options. HMU on LINE id justchill72
  • NinjahippieNinjahippie Member Posts: 265
    @Tiger3_0 if you're still looking for an alliance hit me up on line app @ nipplehippie69 or ninjahippie13
  • LBN1LBN1 Member Posts: 193 ★★
    OP invite sent to team Wiinn. We are Gold 3, and run 3 BG's in AQ and AW every week. Laid back in that all that is required, is people participate and make an effort!
  • AyrusSethAyrusSeth Member Posts: 79
    We are gold 2 alliance if u are interested hit me up on
    line: Surya Seth.
  • Tiger3_0Tiger3_0 Member Posts: 15
    Surya, I can’t find you on Line. I’m interested, here6my Line: Tiger3-0
  • AFootballWorld1AFootballWorld1 Member Posts: 3

    We have a few spots available
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,363 ★★★★
    Check out this post if my alliance interests you or you know someone who would be interested in

    Reach out to me in game --> BowTieJohn and come join my alliance Casual AQ 2021
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