Alliance War Gray Boosts

In terms of the gray war boosts (invul, regen, and power boost), were they supposed to be removed from loyalty and moved to the boosts tab to be purchased with units?
Seems odd considering the plan of allocating loyalty and glory points to be used for war mats and AQ mats respectively. Why not leave the gray boosts under the loyalty tab with the 3-day refresh AND add the gray boosts to be sold for units as well? It doesn’t make sense to force players to spend units for war boosts lol
Seems odd considering the plan of allocating loyalty and glory points to be used for war mats and AQ mats respectively. Why not leave the gray boosts under the loyalty tab with the 3-day refresh AND add the gray boosts to be sold for units as well? It doesn’t make sense to force players to spend units for war boosts lol