Are you enjoying AQ?

Are you enjoying AQ? 158 votes
18 votes
140 votes
So I’m just wondering, are you enjoying it?
If not, what should be done?
Probably the only thing that annoys me about AQ is the drastic change on AI from 1 fight to the next. You simply don't get that in the other game modes I play. For example If I play Cav EQ, all the fighters AI seems to be at a specific difficulty. Where as in AQ, you can do 2 fights on a path and the AI difficulty seems about 3 levels apart!
As for the input problems you mentioned, for me that is all across the game, not specific to AQ.
Horrible but necessary.
Hey, I know this guy!
Aw, battlegrounds are all for spenders and way too p2w.
Arena is for grinders.
For me the best game mode is aq. Hope they don't mess that up
I do enjoy EQ every month. AQ….no
I hate the fact I can’t try new teams because the classes don’t work on my paths, and I don’t like the fact that the map difficulty was increased at the same time weekly comp was removed. We should get the items weekly as a permanent part of the game, allowing us a bit more freedom in using the glory store.
The fact 9 out of 10 people responded that they’re not enjoying AQ is pretty stark. I really hope the game team at least notice these types of threads and has some sort of plan for improving it. Or at least some kind of plan for making the provision of pots, revives and glory fairer.
It wasn't really painful to do when the comp was coming since if I got smacked around from input drops, eating sp3s ect I would just revive and move on with it.
Now we are playing a lower tier AQ to reduce the items used, which results in less Glory which results in less motivation to play AQ, less AQ participation, which means we'll probably drop again to a lower tier....
Wash, rinse, repeat....
Don't like some nodes but don't mind them either.
Also the rewards are excellent.
AQ is like job....most people don't enjoy their job
They do it bcoz if needs to be done