I have to say this Kabam

I see everyone is complaining about kabam, bugs, rewards even crystal drops...
First of all your crystal drops are NOT kabam's fault, seriously... Stop doing this.
No one is following you watching you controlling your drops... It's just RANDOM.
Second one is about cheaters;
OK there are modders and it's annoying i agree.
But there are so many of them, some super skilled players look like modders sometimes,
or some smart mod users cover themselves like professionals , so it's not easy to detect every single modder in the game,
it takes time for them to find and ban them. So stop complaning about this.
And rewards...
You know there is a system and balance in the game, they're trying to make it best for all players,
they are not bad, i can't say that every thing is well planned or fair of course not, but they're trying and things getting better with time
And last, why am i posting this?
I'm posting because if you stop being mad about everything, and tell your problem in a normal way,
it will be much faster for them to change things in the game,
Also if you YES you, stop cheating/modding, they can put better rewards for low lv players too.
So please, if you really want to change something, and make things better here, start from yourself.
I love Mcoc, I love kabam and i decided to start the game all over again to do some experiment between an old acc and a new acc crystal drops
cya all
First of all your crystal drops are NOT kabam's fault, seriously... Stop doing this.
No one is following you watching you controlling your drops... It's just RANDOM.
Second one is about cheaters;
OK there are modders and it's annoying i agree.
But there are so many of them, some super skilled players look like modders sometimes,
or some smart mod users cover themselves like professionals , so it's not easy to detect every single modder in the game,
it takes time for them to find and ban them. So stop complaning about this.
And rewards...
You know there is a system and balance in the game, they're trying to make it best for all players,
they are not bad, i can't say that every thing is well planned or fair of course not, but they're trying and things getting better with time
And last, why am i posting this?
I'm posting because if you stop being mad about everything, and tell your problem in a normal way,
it will be much faster for them to change things in the game,
Also if you YES you, stop cheating/modding, they can put better rewards for low lv players too.
So please, if you really want to change something, and make things better here, start from yourself.
I love Mcoc, I love kabam and i decided to start the game all over again to do some experiment between an old acc and a new acc crystal drops
cya all
Kabam has been making enough mistakes the last few months that have ruined the game for so many and have left players adequate reasoning to complain.
The bugs are worthy of complaints, they have gotten out of hand and made the game unplayable for some. In the last few months the bugs have been worse than they ever were before.
Can you really complain about people complaining about rewards when Kabam mentioned 2 month ago (maybe longer) that we would see an increase that would benefit the veteran players who's growth has become very slow progression? Resources like T1A have been reduced and players are getting held up. Unless you have some insider knowledge I wouldn't assume you're in a position to suggest they are trying when the rest of us are lacking to see a scenario where they are making an attempt to increase them. Rewards have been increased for new players, that started a long time ago. So I am talking in regards to your more veteran players.
This community has been around long enough to know who the majority of "super players" are. So some complaint in regards to hackers/modders are valid. Many new players who lack understanding of AW and skill will be the ones complaining most, just correct them. You act as if all complaint on it are false.
Everyone here obviously loved MCoC as well, which is the result of the complaints. They want what they were told they would be getting, they want the game running more smoothly, and they want the ability to progress and be able to continue to play. Let them complain if they feel its justified.