Input issues

OliverbambinoOliverbambino Member Posts: 32
Hey everyone, I’ve been having some serious input issues especially while the beta input option is selected. I’m having fights where the inputs entirely fail. I’ve had a few war fights where I couldn’t block or move at all and just basically gave up a death while having no control over my character to block or dex at all. I’m not sure if I can post videos on here but I have footage of the issue in real time where basically my character just walks into the opponent and gets punched in the face and it is impossible to block or even attack. I don’t want to start screaming and yelling on the forums, but I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this almost complete dead input failure. It doesn’t happen all the time but it seems to be happening to me at the worst possible times ie. war and Map 8 AQ. I’m
Particularly frustrated because I’m being forced to explain myself to my alliance and use resources that I otherwise wouldn’t have to use. Thanks guys.
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