Basic & Featured Heroes Arena (Future Hopes)

Will the day ever come now that 6* heroes are coming, that the arenas will change to reflect that? I would love to see one day that the 3* featured be changed to a 4*, the 4* basic be changed to a 5* and the same for the 4* featured becoming a 5*. This way low level players who have trouble in the 4* basic can begin building up their 4* champs and eventually move on to the "5* basic arena*. This would help as well, people who don't get 5* shards as frequently as others, they could grind to get the 5* basic champ instead of waiting to accrue 10k 5* shards. The milestone points shouldn't change in all fairness but the rewards could, instead of giving PHC shards you could give 3* shards so that players can get 4* shards more frequently from duping the 3* champs; or give 4* shards in the milestones. The end prize for 1-10% in the basic 5* arena could stay similar, get a 5* Groot and 300 5* shards and the top prize could receive 6* shards. In the featured arena you'd receive the 5* champ and always 6* shards regardless. If the game is evolving towards 4* champs being somewhat obsolete then the arenas should change to reflect that as well. Boost this post so the brass will see it, this should be one of the best ideas out there to be pushed into their agenda..
Because if it's released at start of next year, the gap between players will become HUGE. Top grinders will get a 5* every 3 days, while others will just look at the them in awe.
If you can't grind for a featured champ now, don't even think of getting 5*s from arenas because scores would be insane for a couple years at least.