This was my dream since 2018 end. Best nexus ever for me.
Must be hard to choose between one of the bests of their classes I mean og Spidey is one of the best science champ while xpool is one of the best mutants
Must be hard to choose between one of the bests of their classes I mean og Spidey is one of the best science champ while xpool is one of the best mutants
Imagine he becomes more op than Spider-Man 😬
I’m debating about using an awakening gem on him
I mean og Spidey is one of the best science champ while xpool is one of the best mutants
Time has no value anymore......................
Must be hard to choose between one of the bests of their classes
I mean og Spidey is one of the best science champ while xpool is one of the best mutants
Absolutely:(, tell me who should I select?
This is actually the first congrats I have gotten for Ghost
Rest were for Spidey and deadpool:)