Yeah, just other complaints it's getting really annoying hard to get AI to throw an SP1 or SP2.

Yeah, just other complaints it's getting really annoying hard to get AI to throw an SP1 or SP2. Or just toss an SP3 when AI got you in the corner. 😠
Some people here might say stop repeating whats already been mentioned, but then unless something is done about it what is the point. People asking for compensation is right, but then one "big" compensation is it going to last for life? If the root cause is not taken care of, things wont work.
After my saved units get over ( from buying revives), I am planning on leaving my alliance, because some of them are ok with spending a while more. But I am not planning to spend on something which can be fixed and reverted. I used to spend on offers, but now dont even feel like doing that.
Before anyone asks what level I am? I been playing from the first year of the game, casually and have over 1.5 mil account.
The are logging in doing only what they absolutely must to stay in the alliance, for while that is!
But after months of issues, this terrible, boring monthly special and no more compensation to help offset all the damage they take because of game issues? Slowly they begin to show up late and then finally, not at all!
The game is broken, not fun, not rewarding, and players are putting down their phones and not coming back!
And it is really beginning to feel like kabam is just trying ro kill the game!
Probably would be better for kabam for everyone to walk way instead of shutting the game down.
And why a perfect block stuns the defender but the blocking champ still takes block damage?
And heal masteries won't heal champs unless there are some debuffs on you
I eventually died to poison & block damage
The fun part is I wasn't even using Quake
I was using an Apocalypse & couldn't hit Kingpin bcoz he was close to 3 bars
He didn't use special attack for about 2 minutes
In previous AW I lost about 90% health to Brute Force degen due to same issue
This time the defender was Nick Fury, who is usually very liberal with using special attacks after minimal baiting
In that fight also I was using Apocalypse
I managed to get the solo in Fury fight, but got KO against Kingpin
And these are war fights where every KO matters
A number of the defender champs and bots etc. in aq do apply heal block! I have played long enough to identify when a heal block debuff is active and it isn't!
It wasn't there was no recovery of health at all! And there was no heal block applied at the time!
So either it is a "draw" issue bug, or it is a timer on the debuff remaining active longer than it should bug, or an input update bug! Whatever kind of bug it is! it darn well needs fixed!
I’ve barely been able to progress in over a year and the inputs and AI are worse now than last year.
I left my alliance and am just doing some retirement type map 5 to rank up what I’ve got. But I’m really starting to question why I even bother playing this game anymore. Lots of my friends have left or quit in the last year.
Anymore I think I just play out of habit or boredom, not because I enjoy it.
I spend almost as much time reporting bugs on that input form as I do playing. And then of course there’s almost no response or movement on any of those complaints from kabam.
I could create the same amount of "AI works fine in Map 8 and T1 war" posts and it would have the exact same effect.
Same goes for input issues, I personally experience input issues once every 2 weeks. And like other posts, this is merely anecdotal data.
Report bugs and see if you yourself need to make changes to your play style in order for the the AI ti throw specials.
Adapt or die goes the saying.
I'm less annoyed with baiting sps rather more annoyed with the AI behavior that has changed drastically.
People are calling it out for a long time. If kabam will do something about it, that'll be awesome...Otherwise Im just gonna embrace it for what it is.
I have lost close BG matches due to bad AI, not a big deal when it only effects me and not my alliance.
You can’t play aggressively.
You can’t count on parry.
You can’t count on dex.
You can’t count on any timing being correct.
Your game freezes.
Animations skip and frames drop so all your timing is thrown off.
You can’t adapt to that. So we come to the forums to ask for help from the devs and rarely even get a response beyond “uh this belongs in the bugs forum” and “fill out the proper bugs template”
Kabam has stated multiple times they did nothing to change the AI, even saying that it's not an easy task, actual, real AI changes are quite a big deal.
They have also admitted inputs are not a 100% yet, there has been communication from their side and still the community feels the need to keep beating a horse that has been dead for quite a while.
In the mean time, deal with things you actually have control over. Yes, it's a pain in the butt to deal with the issue, but if your plan is to complain and only complain, it's gonna be quite a disappointing ride for you. That's what I mean with adapt. Let's assume the worst scenario possible, the bugs will last another year. You can quit the game altogether or you can adapt, try another phone, adjust your timings, learn to deal with this AI and these bugs, play around them as much as you can.
I can guarantee, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that these things I propose will work faster and better than spamming the forums yelling "AI bugs! Input issues! Compensation" over and over.
You can't control Kabam, you can control how you deal with the issue.
And I can also guarantee, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if they did go over the reporting bugs we submitted through the proper channels and deal with issues (issues that have been plaguing for while), we wouldn't have these posts of complaints.
I don't have an issue with your statements but again, realized some of us have gone to report these bugs through the proper channels before coming on here to post the complaints. If this had been dealt with, I can make another guarantee, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we wouldn't be discussing this.
Bug reports help, keep doing those.
Repetitive, non-constructive, zero-data forum posts don't work. I can't put it any clearer than that.
If making these posts make you feel better, no one can stop you, just know it's a waste of time.
Oh, it does make me feel better as I know there be similar posts like this one by other players in the future.
As I know you may chastise those posts as well, as no one can stop you from doing so, as it will be a waste of time as well.
My first post in this topic I said:
“I spend almost as much time reporting bugs on that input form as I do playing. And then of course there’s almost no response or movement on any of those complaints from kabam.”
On Chrome on my phone, on my top four websites listed for shortcuts is the Google doc form for reporting input bugs. I’m putting in 10-30 per day.
But I have yet to hear any feedback on it or what they’re going to do about it. Also based on past behavior by kabam I have very little faith that what they do will be adequate. They just don’t seem to prioritize open communication and they don’t seem to do a good job of listening to their player base.