A Proposal For Mastery Switching

No idea if this is the right place to put this, but I wanted to make a suggestion for a way to implement mastery switching and preserve costs for players, while simultaneously removing a point point for those needing to switch them around.
First of all, I want to address something that players demanding free mastery changes don’t tend to consider. The costs are not there for Kabam to make money. The vast majority of those buying units are not doing so to switch their masteries. The costs are there because your masteries are supposed to be balanced across different gameplay styles. If you can simply switch between 10 load outs for free, everyone will optimize masteries for war defenders, switch to a different load out for attack, and then throw their suicides on for arena. That’s not the point. Masteries are based on making decisions and having those decisions affect your gameplay. And that is why costs need to remain in place.
THAT SAID, it’s not fun to come across an EOP fight that really punishes suicides, and feel helpless to do it without switching your masteries. So there do need to be some changes. As such, I propose the following compromise:
Each player is given three mastery loadout slots. One is for AQ, one is for AW, and one is for solo content. Additional solo content loadout slots can be purchased for units, but you can only have one of each of the Alliance mode slots. The first time you set your masteries in a loadout, it’s free (as long as the masteries are unlocked), but you have to pay the standard costs to change them. And switching between the solo loadouts is free.
In my opinion, this would uphold the integrity of the “cost” of choice for AW, while allowing players more flexibility to adjust their masteries for solo content. Does anyone have any thoughts?
First of all, I want to address something that players demanding free mastery changes don’t tend to consider. The costs are not there for Kabam to make money. The vast majority of those buying units are not doing so to switch their masteries. The costs are there because your masteries are supposed to be balanced across different gameplay styles. If you can simply switch between 10 load outs for free, everyone will optimize masteries for war defenders, switch to a different load out for attack, and then throw their suicides on for arena. That’s not the point. Masteries are based on making decisions and having those decisions affect your gameplay. And that is why costs need to remain in place.
THAT SAID, it’s not fun to come across an EOP fight that really punishes suicides, and feel helpless to do it without switching your masteries. So there do need to be some changes. As such, I propose the following compromise:
Each player is given three mastery loadout slots. One is for AQ, one is for AW, and one is for solo content. Additional solo content loadout slots can be purchased for units, but you can only have one of each of the Alliance mode slots. The first time you set your masteries in a loadout, it’s free (as long as the masteries are unlocked), but you have to pay the standard costs to change them. And switching between the solo loadouts is free.
In my opinion, this would uphold the integrity of the “cost” of choice for AW, while allowing players more flexibility to adjust their masteries for solo content. Does anyone have any thoughts?
So maybe three sets for every player without limiting modes they can be used in.
Defensive mastery can be used in wars and BG defense, while attack with or without suicides in wars, AQ, arenas depending on nodes and champions used.
So 1 for defense
And 2 for attack
Without game mode limitation
Same cost for resetting masteries and unlocking
If free masteries are a concern, just add two more sets and make players pay the same cost for unlocking masteries there if they want to use Set 2 and Set 3.
So the suggestion is
Add two more sets
Make everything locked there - players will need to spend on the same masteries again
Masteries won't be free but this will benefit those who think it's worth the investment because they constantly have to switch masteries