Active 7.5 Million Alliance Playing The Game For Fun And Looking To Fill 7 Spots (Merges Considered)

We are group that has grown from a 3.5 million to a 8 million alliance (when full) while remembering that MCOC is a game and therefore should be a fun distraction not a cause for additional stress.

We upgrade the champs we like regardless of prestige, still manage to enjoy playing the game with each other and most importantly remember that, despite being active everyday playing a phone game, real life happens and that come first.

Fun Facts:

* We run 54444 in AQ. Currently that bounces us between Expert and Advanced tier.
* We run 3 wars a week, but are AQ focused.
* We have donations of 80,000 Gold, 6,500 BCs and 4,300 Loyalty weekly.
* 12,000 minimum for completion
* 650 minimum in duels
* No minimum in Item Use, but we get the 4* shards every time.
* >70% bracket in SA consistently
* We are primarily US based, but do have international members.
* Neither a minimum nor maximum Prestige/PI, but you should have at 2 4* 5/50 or equivalent 5* to support running AQ and AW.
* Line is required because communication is key. You can reach me there or in game, UN: MightyMac_
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