DENCO - LF Social People To Build A Community

CatsGodotCatsGodot Member Posts: 11
Denco (Donkey Engine Corps) is looking for a few good souls to join our team and community! A few things about us:

-We're a progression-based alliance, so if you're new to the game, no worries! We focus on keeping our community toxic-free, so feel free to ask questions and grow along with us. And if you're a long term veteran, we're here for you, too, and would love your guidance for new players!

-We're low pressure--our only ask is that you contribute to AQ a few times a day. We're currently running 4-3-1 (the last BG is for our newer players, and we want to push our first to Map 5 as we gain new players and existing ones get stronger). AW is completely optional (although we are Silver 3 as of the time of this writing, and finished Bronze 1 last season).

-You don't need to join our alliance to be a part of our community on Discord. We just ask that you be a decent human being. Or, if you're not sure if we're right for you, hang out in our Discord, chat and have fun, and decide later. It's all good!

-We ask for members to be 18 or older (although we make case-by-case exceptions for good eggs).

-Discord link:

-You can find me in-game as Cats Godot (same as on here, but with a space).
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