Looking for a silver 1, map 5 alliance

Can run map 5, looking for a chilled alliance that don't take it too seriously, KClifton67 IG and line, let me know


  • Knorr7227Knorr7227 Member Posts: 187
    Can't find you on LINE... Hit me up on LINE Philly3974, AMBUG is a 50M rated ally, semi-retired running a mix of maps 5&4, 4k glory a week, silver 2 AW (optional) very laid back group
  • Heisenberg128Heisenberg128 Member Posts: 168
    we run map 5 and earn 4300 glory every week. you can check us out. My alliance tag is DTEN and my line ID is heisenberg128. i am unable to find you on line
    What is your roster like? We do maps 555 and War Gold 2
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