Something funny I noticed

So as everyone knows there is a kabam made page that alphabetically sorts all the champs in the game but there is a problem with a recently added champ Thor (Ragnarok) doesn't fit in the thing.
They have actual referred to him as both names but obviously chose Thor Ragnarok as his IGN
Winter solider, Old man Logan and Wolverine for example.
Who knows.
This is probably the best example of Kabam not following their own sorting. His in-game name is Old Man Logan, but in the above graphic he is listed as Wolverine (Old Man Logan).
Thor (Ragnarok) probably should be with the other Thor's, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
If they had followed a more typical sorting system, Thor (Ragnarok) would have been displayed between Thor (Jane Foster) and Thor, making another Thor variant almost a guarantee.