Flash Asher / 5x5 Ally / High Tier War / Event Completion / Path Clearer and Boss Killer

Prestige at 4100 / Top 6 Champs are 5/50 Thor, Magik, CapWW2, Ultron, Wolverine, and Star Lord (all duped) / No good 5* to rank up. Waiting for basic pool to be expanded / 3 Basic 5*s in the vault / 87 Map 5 crystals / 6 Map 6 Crystals / 120+ T4 Class Shards / 1 Class Cat / 9 T2 Alphas / 8 5*s as of now
Basically, unless I pull 3 Mystic or 3 Cosmic Cats RNG, I can't R3 a duped 5* Magik or unduped Gilly or unduped Drax, CM, SIM.
Zero cosmic and mystic cats / 4 Skill / 3 Tech / 4 Mutant / 4 Science
Playing since the game came out / experience as a leader, officer, member / LINE ID: asherflash
Basically, unless I pull 3 Mystic or 3 Cosmic Cats RNG, I can't R3 a duped 5* Magik or unduped Gilly or unduped Drax, CM, SIM.
Zero cosmic and mystic cats / 4 Skill / 3 Tech / 4 Mutant / 4 Science
Playing since the game came out / experience as a leader, officer, member / LINE ID: asherflash