Gift for new members from Older Players per a week.

I think it is better if there is an option that older players could send a catalyzor or gem to new members from their stock in order to improve their characters faster. After reaching 30th level of the game, it is hard to find 4th level catalyzor and 5 star hero for new members. Kabaam can arrange a gifting mode that you can send a catalyzor or hero crystal particle to new member per a week. Otherwise, new members discourage due to the hardness of finding them and leave from game.
Cause we all want free stuff and dont want to work for it...
However, this will never be implemented into the game. Lots of players run multiple accounts and would immediately be able to fund their lower/new accounts to boost them ridiculously quickly and more cheaply.
It also encourages 3rd parties to offer services outside of the game where they grind out the items and you buy from them.
... So no way this will ever make it into the game.
Basically we can't have nice things because people screw it up for everyone.
* Each player helps just one player per a week.
* Each player can be helped just one time per a week.
* a 4th level catalyzor can be shared per a week.
* a 1000 particles of 5 star or 4 star champ crystal can be shared per a week.
* a 100 particles of 6star champ crystal can be shared per a week.
I know the hardness of taking catalyzor or hero . I have played game since 2020.