So about the Grandmaster …

Thanks to the nerf of Act 6 I will be facing the Grandmaster as soon as I am done with war . Out of my roster which would you consider to be the best options agaisnt the grandmaster ?

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Doom GM phase 1/2/4
Do you have a prof x or sinister for reverse controls phase 3?
Edit: GM is a skill fight, basically any champ works. You need to understand the phases then all is fine
During infuriate. Just intercept once. Apply the shock. Do a 4 hit combo. Heavy. Infuriate phase is over.
Just hope the reverse controls and sp1 don’t line up. But if they do. Just do it? It’s silly to bring someone just to counter that.
My first GM clear I used doom and 5 40% revives.
Tried team revives at first but doom was the ticket. Easy after that.
You need reverse controls immune champs to bypass it.
But the reverse controls phase ain’t that hard tbh, it has a long timer for the reverse controls to start and it last for few seconds.
I had ranked up Mister Sinister for my first run back then.
At exploration, I used Aegon as he was way faster, more effective and literally nuked the phase.
If you stay calm and focused, you’d better use a strong damage dealer, rather than a reverse immune champ for the phase.
It’s easier than the rumours say it is 😉