Rating: Doctor Dooms

Rating (1-200)…......Champion…...........Star…........Rank…....Sig Level…...........Other
165…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200….............Mystic Dispersion
163…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 1….................Mystic Dispersion
160…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Unawakened….....Mystic Dispersion
155…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200
153…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 1
150…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 200…..............Mystic Dispersion
149…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Unawakened
148…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 1…..................Mystic Dispersion
145…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Unawakened…......Mystic Dispersion
140…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 200
138…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 1
135…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Sig 200…..............Mystic Dispersion
134…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Unawakened
133…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Sig 1…..................Mystic Dispersion
130…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Sig 200........…......Mystic Dispersion
129…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Unawakened…......Mystic Dispersion
128…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Sig 1…..................Mystic Dispersion
125…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Unawakened…......Mystic Dispersion
124…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Sig 200
123…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Sig 1
122…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Sig 200
120…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Sig 1
119…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Unawakened
117…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Unawakened
165…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200….............Mystic Dispersion
163…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 1….................Mystic Dispersion
160…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Unawakened….....Mystic Dispersion
155…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200
153…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 1
150…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 200…..............Mystic Dispersion
149…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R4…......Unawakened
148…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 1…..................Mystic Dispersion
145…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Unawakened…......Mystic Dispersion
140…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 200
138…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 1
135…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Sig 200…..............Mystic Dispersion
134…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Unawakened
133…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Sig 1…..................Mystic Dispersion
130…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Sig 200........…......Mystic Dispersion
129…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Unawakened…......Mystic Dispersion
128…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Sig 1…..................Mystic Dispersion
125…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Unawakened…......Mystic Dispersion
124…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Sig 200
123…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Sig 1
122…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Sig 200
120…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Sig 1
119…........................Doctor Doom…......5-Star…......R5…......Unawakened
117…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Unawakened
He could give us some insight on this post 😂
With each "configuration" being a specific Champion with a specific build of precise Star level, Rank, Sig Level, included Synergy, active Mastery, etc.
Each line of the chart is a single Champion configuration. The details for the Champion configuration are broken down in the different columns of that single line. The top line of the chart is the headers for each column.
On the left is the column for "Rating". Rating is the overall power level of that line's Champion configuration. You can compare the Rating number of each line to see which Champion configurations are better, and by how much. Currently the chart is setup to have a Rating range of between 1 to 200. So the higher that Champion configuration's Rating is, and the closer it is toward 200, the more powerful that Champion configuration is.
The columns to the right of Rating indicate the details for the configuration: what Champion it is and their Star level, Rank, Sig level, and any "Other" things like Mastery, Synergy, etc. The "Other" column can also be used creatively to really expand the type of information being covered, and can thus be used to cover things like how Champion configuration is affected by things like player Skill Level, using Auto-Fight AI, etc.
Below is a line from the original post. Below that is a translation of that line.
Line from original post:
Rating (1-200)…......Champion…...........Star…........Rank…....Sig Level…...........Other
134…........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R3…......Unawakened
Translation of Line from original post:
Unawakened 6-Star, Rank 5 Doctor Doom is given a Power Rating of 134 out of 200.
The purpose of the chart is to provide a tool. In a template form, that can be populated by me or others. And that tool can then be used to answer common questions that players have.
Here are some question examples, and how the template can be populated to answer them:
1) I already have Ghost at 5-Star, Rank, 5 Sig 200. Should I rank up my 6-Star, Unawakened Ghost to Rank 3?
Rating (1-200)…......Champion…...........Star…......Rank…....Sig Level…...........Other
140…........................Ghost….................5-Star…......R5…......Sig 200
2) Is it worth putting Sig Stones into my Human Torch?
Rating (1-200)…......Champion…...........Star…......Rank…....Sig Level…...........Other
145…........................Human Torch…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 200
145…........................Human Torch…......6-Star…......R3…......Sig 1
145…........................Human Torch…......6-Star…......R3…......Unawakened
3) How much do the Ghost Synergies and Masteries help her?
Rating (1-200)…......Champion…...........Star…......Rank…....Sig Level…...........Other
180…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(4) Synergy: Wasp/Ant-Man/The Hood/Odin(+3 pre-fights); Mastery: Recoil Tree
175…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(3) Synergy: Wasp/Ant-Man/Odin(+3 pre-fights); Mastery: Recoil Tree
175…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(4) Synergy: Wasp/Ant-Man/The Hood/Odin(+3 pre-fights)
170…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(2) Synergy: Wasp/Ant-Man; Mastery: Recoil Tree
170…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(3) Synergy: Wasp/Ant-Man/Odin(+3 pre-fights)
168…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(1) Synergy: The Hood; Mastery: Recoil Tree
168…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(1) Synergy: Wasp; Mastery: Recoil Tree
165…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......Mastery: Recoil Tree
165…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(2) Synergy: Wasp/Ant-Man
163…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(1) Synergy: The Hood
163…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200…......(1) Synergy: Wasp
155…........................Ghost….................6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200
4) How good do I have to be with Quake to be effective with her?
Rating (1-200)…......Champion…...........Star…......Rank…....Sig Level…...........Other
180…........................Quake…................5-Star…......R5…......Unawakened…......Player Skill Level: High
125…........................Quake…................5-Star…......R5…......Unawakened…......Player Skill Level: Medium
40…..........................Quake…................5-Star…......R5…......Unawakened…......Player Skill Level: Low
5) Which Champions are good for auto-fight farming Realm of Legends?
Rating (1-200)…......Champion…......Star…......Rank…......Sig Level
12….........................Doctor Doom…......6-Star…......R2…......Unawakened…......Autofight AI: Active
14….........................Kingpin…................6-Star…......R2…......Unawakened…......Autofight AI: Active
11….........................Ultron…..................6-Star…......R2….......Unawakened…......Autofight AI: Active
This Chart is easier to view and modify in a spreadsheet format. But I wanted to post it as text in a forum post, so I converted my spreadsheet chart to text chart.
I expect that various people will disagree with my Ratings values. Great. It's an opportunity for people to use their expert knowledge to help improve the quality of the information in the charts.
It's also an opportunity for people to make and submit their own charts. Or come up with new charts that cover this type of information in better or different ways.
The whole 1-200 thing seemed prestige related in the original post but now you have elaborated it looks to be a value that you yourself have assigned to it based on your opinion. Is that right?
But the tool itself is designed so that it can be configured to cover any date criteria. Including Prestige. It is a Champion Configuration rating system. And if that configuration is tuned to Prestige, then it would be by extension (for that incarnation) a Prestige tool.
I fully intended my values listed under Ratings to a rough starting goal post. To be over-written with better info by anyone or groups with superior knowledge who were inclined to. The tool itself screams out to people if a detail is "off" to them, so they can adjust it. And thereby deliver good intel to the community. But if nobody cares to adjust anything, then my values could still suffice for crude uses.
The tool itself is a "scientific" tool, in the sense that it sets up systematic study and conveyance of information. I'm not sure what all you are looking for in the term scientific. But if you clarify for me, then I can let you know if this tool fits that bill.
The idea for the selection of this format for this tool, is to address that most player info charts lack the ability for permutations. They only convey absolutes (or slight variations of absolutes), and very often even leave major permutation subsets unconveyed. Which notably lines up starkly incomplete in a game full of permutations and mutually exclusive choices with regards to precise changes across a spectrum of permutation options and possibilities.
I have a background in Accounting, Economics, Game Design, Project Management. It felt silly not having a more robust tool for a game of Resource Management and Toolbox Building. So I made that tool.
200…........................Silver Centurion…......6-Star…......R4…......Sig 200….............
Yep, it's spot on.
I suppose what stood out most to me was this:
How do you derive ratings based on player skill? Rating values assigned feel "made-up" - what's to say a poor user of Quake has a power rating of 50 and not the 40 that's listed. Also how do you quantify the skill of a player when using a champion? Where do you set the bar for "high skill"? Someone that can reliably quake each and every fight without getting hit ever? If someone gets hit once do they then become medium skill?
Not only this, but if you are going to bring player skill into any element of it then it becomes a factor for every champion. Archangel is a relatively simple champion to use but what if the player has terrible parry timing?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not condemning the effort that's gone into this but I'm wondering how effective this would serve as a tool to anyone. Additionally, if this were to be 'community editable' (a-la Wikipedia), then who's to say which person editing is the leading authority on any given champ?
Again, not intending to tear the whole idea apart. More a case of offering some critical feedback for you to consider.