Recovering masteries

StarkyboyStarkyboy Member Posts: 46
edited June 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
It would be a lot better if players get the option to recover specific masteries rather than the entire offensive, defensive, or proficiencies setup. For instance, every time I remove the suicide masteries because I'm not always going to need them, I'm forced to pay 71 units to relearn all the other masteries that I had to recover. Other then a cheap way to collect more units from players what is the point of this.

I know the system is a lot better than it used to be, but that doesn't mean it can't continue to improve. Not only would this help to save a lot of units for players but it would also save a ton of time not having to relearn every single mastery from your original setup minus the specific masteries you want to remove.

Also in general if people want to experiment with masteries that they've already learned why should there be a penalty for that. The initial cost for masteries makes sense, but the cost to relearn all of your masteries when you really only want to tweak a couple of them doesn't make sense.
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