What masterys are important to rank up First?

wheatmannwheatmann Member Posts: 186 ★★
edited June 2022 in Strategy and Tips
What masterys are important to rank up First?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • TheBlindSalmonTheBlindSalmon Member Posts: 87
    For the more expensive ones willpower is extremely useful.
  • SkyLord7000SkyLord7000 Member Posts: 4,027 ★★★★★

  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    I dunno, how experienced are you? Parry and dex are now pretty much the core skills of game play. Those are first, though It may take ages to actually be able to use them effectively.

    After that it’s possible to just put all the rest your points in strength and vitality, and never know the difference for months until you start dealing with harder content.

    But most folks will tell you to put points in precision and cruelty for crit rate and damage as early as possible. Then it gets weird.

    If you look at my build on Offense, only precision, cruelty, courage and deep wounds have max points in them. That’s because I play a lot of Nick fury, and in his second life he always sits at around 30% health, so courage works with him, and he benefits immensely from the points in deep wounds.

    For defense I just put points into whatever, so long as it gets me to willpower. I tend to favor black proficiency and physical resistance, cause I get hit sometimes.

    For proficiencies I max out Parry and stupefy and then just scatter the rest of the points around until I can get three points in Mystic dispersion.

    To be completely frank, some masteries are very expensive to open, and are just as expensive to change around. I doubt as much research has gone into looking at builds as they deserve, because most of us are too cheap to really play around with him. There are certainly videos out there of different builds and what people have done with them, but I don’t see many these days that look at how masteries interact with modern champs. Hopefully that will change soon.
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