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Should we have champion derank tickets?

Mainestream_98Mainestream_98 Posts: 10
edited June 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
The game once allowed us to deleted characters but no longer which is smart for long term, but what if we were able to derank old champions we don’t use anymore for catalyst fragments and gold!

Should we have champion derank tickets? 39 votes

Yes to deranking tickets
The_Chumpkurogami24DraamirHdhjssvvNoise72SurfinwalrusNihalFayazRedBirdIsSmartwheatmannTopgunrules4evrMainestream_98 11 votes
No to deranking tickets
GroundedWisdomMegaSkater67mostlyharmlessnKDoggg2017KingnaesThereticUncle_Fatty_247ShadowstrikeMattDRKGarlopseudosaneAckbar67DRTOMalreck04RockyshockyRockypantherxlaserjohn26NockoErcarretVendemiaire 28 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


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    DRTODRTO Posts: 1,630 ★★★★★
    No to deranking tickets
    Yeah, those are called rank down tickets, which won't come back so no.
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    ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Posts: 3,105 ★★★★★
    No to deranking tickets
    Yeah, they're not coming back. 99.9% of the people who want them only want them because they see it as an easy way to earn back rank up materials rather than actually having a legit issue with a champion as their intended use.
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    RedBirdIsSmartRedBirdIsSmart Posts: 98
    Yes to deranking tickets
    I always regretted taking my 3* howard to rank 2. Now I can get my materials back.
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    DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Posts: 21,451 ★★★★★
    Only for Rank 3 6* Ghost rank ups since she's so terrible and I regret doing it.
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,809 ★★★★★
    No to deranking tickets
    I don't see the point of it aside from when champions are changed significantly. I think it has happened for Namor and She-Hulk in the past, and I think it was justified then (as far as I remember). However, just for general rank-ups? No. I think it's better to just live with our mistakes when we do them. It would also lead to some weird situations where you could rank down a 5* Hercules in order to get materials to rank up a 6* one, which is not how I think things should work.
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    Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Posts: 4,676
    We've already stated in the Forum FAQs that we don't have any plans to bring back Rank Down Tickets. However, if we change our minds about that in the future, we'll be sure to let you all know!
This discussion has been closed.