LF 5 Experienced Players for Map 6 AQ optional 2BG War

Hello there. This is going to be a big recruiting post like I haven't done in a long time.

I am looking for 5 Experienced Map 6 and even Map 7 players to join my Ally.

My Ally hit a bit of a "rut" this past War season. So we are taking a break from our normal 3bg War this upcoming season and take it down to 2bgs. With the folks we have in our alliance I truly feel we can maintain Gold 2 very easily, perhaps even stay in Gold 1 which we finished in for the 3rd straight season by the way.

I run my Alliance how I try to run my life. I love my life with a Work life to home Life balance. I treat this game the same way for the players that join my Alliance. A Real life to Game life balance. Because it is just a game at the end of the day. I however do not allow laziness, coattails riding, or doing the minimum amount for the maximum rewards as that is not fair to the other members of the Alliance in any way shape or form. So if that is what you are looking for then move on please and thank you.

Mandatory Requirements:
Line for communication
Communication must be excellent with your teammates.
Activity during AQ must be above average or better
For AW if you choose to join one of the 2bgs Activity and Communication must be above average or better. However do not worry about deaths. I am not going to stress about someone getting ko'd unless they are being ridiculous, naive or making the same mistake over and over again about it. I want you to learn from it to be better the next time 👍
Timezone: preferably North America, South America or UK. I have had some luck with Asia/India , Australia and other timezones but I also have had bad luck as well. So if you are from a timezone not listed and can feel you would be an asset rather than a detriment than by all means reach out.
Prestige: 9.8k or higher. I will not compromise on this unless within 1-2 AQ weeks you feel as a player you can reach that prestige and higher as the weeks continue.

Reach out to me on line at zbot34. I will not answer anyone's post on here so please do not try.

Now the part you have been waiting for.
Our current AQ score is between 452-464 million per week ranking my alliance between 660-720. Now if our overall Alliance prestige has a lot to do with this. Currently my Alliance sits at an average of 11.7 if I allow a lot of 9.8k prestige players to join that of course will drop the overall points scored per week. So please be aware of that.

War we finished Gold 1 but by dropping to only 2bgs next season we will most likely drop to Gold 2 and we as a group are completely fine with that.

So what Progress can I make it more enticing to join us and what makes us different then a retirement Ally you may ask?

Well my plan is to beging to have 1 BG move up into Map 7 on Day 1 and slowly build that up to more days. Currently we run Map 6x5 in all 3bgs with a mix of Epic and Master Modifiers.

If any of this interests you or you want more information please reach out. Thank you


  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473
    Correction. I am looking for a total of 6 players now. LF 6 experienced Map 6 players or players ready to try out Map 7
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473
    Still looking for 6 experienced players wanting to begin Map 6, have done Map 6 or have the desire to begin Map 7 and grow with a team.
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473
    *Update* now I am looking for 5 players. Still have 5 spots open for the Above post of mine if there is any interest
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473
    Still looking for 5 players. If you want that chance to go from a map 5 to map 6 or work from Map 6 to go into Map 7 please feel free to reach out to me on Line
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473
    Still searching for 5 new recruits before AQ begins
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 473

    I am now looking for 3 players. If you are looking for an Alliance that does Map 6x5 for AQ and get into an alliance before AQ begins hit me up on line.
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