If you know how to use them max out Tigra and Kitty. Also Archangel and Guardian
I didn't rlly like tigra but I'm willing to learn if she's great (i ranked her up out of excitement lol) Who should I pick between kitty and archangel? And my guardian isn't high sig sadly
Looks like your 6 Star Kitty is already Rank 2. I'd rank 3 her before ranking AA if you have the T5CC but I'm assuming you don't. I'm still using the 5 Star AA all the way through Act 7 and BG so he's great, you won't regret it.
You'll also want to get your She-Hulk ranked up. She is tremendously effective for when you need consistent up time of Slow.
Some other champs you'll want to work toward are Ultron, Nebula, AEgon, Tigra
Looks like your 6 Star Kitty is already Rank 2. I'd rank 3 her before ranking AA if you have the T5CC but I'm assuming you don't. I'm still using the 5 Star AA all the way through Act 7 and BG so he's great, you won't regret it.
You'll also want to get your She-Hulk ranked up. She is tremendously effective for when you need consistent up time of Slow.
Some other champs you'll want to work toward are Ultron, Nebula, AEgon, Tigra
Let's say i want to rank up a mutant. Should it be kitty or archangel (both 5s, r3+awakened) ?
I saw 20 comments before finally coming to yours..... especially considering he doesn't have a massive roster and is in the middle of act 6 Diablo and AA would prob be my top 2 as advice and in terms of how simple they are to comprehend.....Diablo will save you TONS of health pots during this act and AA can handle a ton of tough fights
I saw 20 comments before finally coming to yours..... especially considering he doesn't have a massive roster and is in the middle of act 6 Diablo and AA would prob be my top 2 as advice and in terms of how simple they are to comprehend.....Diablo will save you TONS of health pots during this act and AA can handle a ton of tough fights
Looks like your 6 Star Kitty is already Rank 2. I'd rank 3 her before ranking AA if you have the T5CC but I'm assuming you don't. I'm still using the 5 Star AA all the way through Act 7 and BG so he's great, you won't regret it.
You'll also want to get your She-Hulk ranked up. She is tremendously effective for when you need consistent up time of Slow.
Some other champs you'll want to work toward are Ultron, Nebula, AEgon, Tigra
Let's say i want to rank up a mutant. Should it be kitty or archangel (both 5s, r3+awakened) ?
@Godslayer_1 I would prioritize the 6 Star Kitty the most followed by the 5 Star AA and then the 5 Star Kitty a distant 3rd (although still maybe worth resources down the road).
Also with reference to Diablo, if you run the Liquid Courage mastery, his awakening is an absolute game changer and it probably the best thing about his kit. If you don't, the awakening is less essential but the character also doesn't shine as bright imo.
Looks like your 6 Star Kitty is already Rank 2. I'd rank 3 her before ranking AA if you have the T5CC but I'm assuming you don't. I'm still using the 5 Star AA all the way through Act 7 and BG so he's great, you won't regret it.
You'll also want to get your She-Hulk ranked up. She is tremendously effective for when you need consistent up time of Slow.
Some other champs you'll want to work toward are Ultron, Nebula, AEgon, Tigra
Let's say i want to rank up a mutant. Should it be kitty or archangel (both 5s, r3+awakened) ?
@Godslayer_1 I would prioritize the 6 Star Kitty the most followed by the 5 Star AA and then the 5 Star Kitty a distant 3rd (although still maybe worth resources down the road).
Also with reference to Diablo, if you run the Liquid Courage mastery, his awakening is an absolute game changer and it probably the best thing about his kit. If you don't, the awakening is less essential but the character also doesn't shine as bright imo.
Im just on lvl 53, so no suicides. I'm not a huge fan of suicide masteries. How good diablo is without them? Better than GR or sasquatch or hood? Or maybe I can learn tigra for that kitty synergy?
Looks like your 6 Star Kitty is already Rank 2. I'd rank 3 her before ranking AA if you have the T5CC but I'm assuming you don't. I'm still using the 5 Star AA all the way through Act 7 and BG so he's great, you won't regret it.
You'll also want to get your She-Hulk ranked up. She is tremendously effective for when you need consistent up time of Slow.
Some other champs you'll want to work toward are Ultron, Nebula, AEgon, Tigra
Let's say i want to rank up a mutant. Should it be kitty or archangel (both 5s, r3+awakened) ?
@Godslayer_1 I would prioritize the 6 Star Kitty the most followed by the 5 Star AA and then the 5 Star Kitty a distant 3rd (although still maybe worth resources down the road).
Also with reference to Diablo, if you run the Liquid Courage mastery, his awakening is an absolute game changer and it probably the best thing about his kit. If you don't, the awakening is less essential but the character also doesn't shine as bright imo.
Im just on lvl 53, so no suicides. I'm not a huge fan of suicide masteries. How good diablo is without them? Better than GR or sasquatch or hood? Or maybe I can learn tigra for that kitty synergy?
Diablo is significantly worse for most matchups. His healing is still good and he still has easy access to poison but his DPS is not as good. If you run 5/5 MD there are some matchups that get pretty hilarious though and he can throw specials for day. Still a decent champion but does require certain masteries to really shine.
Sasquatch and GR are just not as good. Hood is interesting. He has access to some nice damage and utility and synergizes with some other powerhouse characters like your Kingpin. Tigra is also amazing and as you said synergizes with Kitty but is harder to play. If you rank a Mystic, I would do Hood or Tigra in your case.
Archangel is r3 and blade as well (lvl1)
You'll also want to get your She-Hulk ranked up. She is tremendously effective for when you need consistent up time of Slow.
Some other champs you'll want to work toward are Ultron, Nebula, AEgon, Tigra
Plenty of great champs balance utility vs damage
Also with reference to Diablo, if you run the Liquid Courage mastery, his awakening is an absolute game changer and it probably the best thing about his kit. If you don't, the awakening is less essential but the character also doesn't shine as bright imo.
Or maybe I can learn tigra for that kitty synergy?
Sasquatch and GR are just not as good. Hood is interesting. He has access to some nice damage and utility and synergizes with some other powerhouse characters like your Kingpin. Tigra is also amazing and as you said synergizes with Kitty but is harder to play. If you rank a Mystic, I would do Hood or Tigra in your case.