Not receiving Special Objective rewards

Hi guys, so earlier this morning, I’ve beaten Mrs. Marvel on Epic difficulty with a full Science team. Thus, completing the America’s All Stars Epic Week 2 SQ. Yet, I received no rewards at all. I’ve checked the Objective tab, pressed on the “i” button, refreshed the game a couple of time, and there’s nothing. The team I used was 6* YJ, 5* Joe Fixit, 5* Spider Gwen, 5* She Hulk, 5* OG Spiderman. Before anyone say that I might have completed the wrong difficulty, I chose the right sided path, started off with Psycho man, before reaching the boss I had to use a 40% Team Revive after getting knocked out by Sersi. I’ve emailed Kabam this morning, they said they’ve received it but they haven’t replied to me at all. Could anyone tell me how to fix this problem?