Grandmaster Ascendancy - Shattered ?

winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★
Health Pools Progression

It took me many runs trying out different champs before I could take Winter Soldier down. With 4-Stars, 500 to 600 hits was required and I lose concentration after some 300+ hits. GM's health pool is some 18 times higher although when wounded, attacker received bonuses on attack (multiplied by each Token of Competence earned). I did not complete RoL in one continuous seating, and I should be prepared to take this fight in phases too.

Summoners who bested En Dwi Gast praised the game developer for a well conceived fight, that is fully skilled based. Any one can cook, so the saying goes. Any champ can take this fight, but I am reading these few can't do; Captain America (Sam Wilson), Crossbones, Guardian, Guillotine (unless pre-fight activated) and Silver Centurion. Correct?

Also a huge risk to activate Magneto (HoX) pre-fight ability.

Now on to Grandmaster's abilities:

How should my roster look like
5-Star Doom, 5-Star BWCV, 5-Star rank 4 Mr Sinister (fast track rank just for this fight) :o

From these (all 5-Stars except for Dragon man) which other two to choose?
6-Star rank 2 Dragon-man, CMM, Venom, Colossus, Moleman, CAIW.

I start to hum a song.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I messed up tonight
I lost another fight
Lost to myself, but I'll just start again
I keep falling down
I keep on hitting the ground
But I always get up now to see what's next
Birds don't just fly
They fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong
I won't give up
No, I won't give in till I reach the end
And then I'll start again


  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    edited June 2022
    Not being able to complete one challenge is not a big deal, you take a blunder but the challenge counter goes up and you don't get the same challenge again in phase two.

    Phase 3 can be annoying or very easy because you can get repeat challenges which can be done by all champs. (unless you're unblockable in which case you have to hope he doesn't give strike into block too many times)
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    Apoc can make the cosmic lane super easy.

    Ragneto helps on Angela (super heal node)

    Plan to make several attempts at GM.
    Each time I went until inventory pretty low, then bailed
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★
    Was ranking up Mr Sinister really helpful? On hindsight, I could do without him. Not because I can play around reverse controls but rather I can barely reach to the timer for reverse controls to be in effect.

    I did try to look at fights in YouTube and for four days trying to visualise how I will be playing this fight. All this while I left my injured champs at the gate.
    Units count 10,351. I still have a handful of revives, much lower than I was comfortable with.

    The real breakthrough came when I caught this vid.

    My prespective changed. Without the above, for sure, I will be bailing out of the fight long before it even started. I thought phase 1 was the most difficult. Turns out I had the most number of times Grandmaster was in wounded state during this phase and for the whole entire fight. If I could count, the total number was less than the sum of fingers on both my hands. That's how unskilled I am.

    Was there any forum post which suggest which tactics to get banned first in phase 1? That was an issue I thought about.
    And this --> many thanks, so helpful.

    Not being able to complete one challenge is not a big deal, you take a blunder but the challenge counter goes up and you don't get the same challenge again in phase two.

    Revives and potions were still holding up on reaching Phase 2.

    This is where I start to use units.

    I really thought Phase 2 could be easier but nope, GM is not entering wounded state.
    The fight of attrition continues.

    This is at Phase 3.

    This is at final phase.

    This is just for fun. :D

    Ended here but can't recall whether there was units to be earned for this fight itself. 1,165 units and higher with stash revives and potions.

    I took more than 2 hours to do this, taking many breaks in-between. I think I used more time buying revives and healing up rather than actual fight. My final words are ... if I can do it, you can too but please have some units on hand. Gives peace of mind. :D

    That's all folks. :)

  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    That's a pretty decent cost for completion. At least it's over now. Got a t5cc?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★

    That's a pretty decent cost for completion. At least it's over now. Got a t5cc?

    Yes, decided to put it on Mutant even though I just need 450 fragments more. Unfortunately, Mr Sinister gobbled up seven T4CCs. Now I need 5 more and thinking if Iceman is better than WMags as R3. Not going to fret over whether I can hit next tier by 4 July though.

    Is that real? :D
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,314 ★★★★★
    Concluding this surreal run ... (now that the July 4 offers ended).

    At the end of the day, it dawned on me that I could obtain Thronebreaker login calendar on 1 July and started thinking hard whether there was any way I could obtain five T4CCs in a hurry. Then I recalled having other classes catalysts and decided to cash out some. RNG gave three. Two more. Where to find it? Ah ... T4CC fragment crystals! :D

    And so, Iceman went to R3.

    The Thronebreakers offers which I would have missed ... but did not. ;)

    And now, I have options; Elsa or Gwenpool or Kraven to rank 2? Anyone worth R3?

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