What's the deal with Doctor Octopus's signature ability?

I have never understood how it works or where it's best useful, he's only recently duped and just exploring some options with him – can someone help me understand.
Physics breakthrough applies a power lock, as per the sig ability this breakthrough should be replaced by a new effect: power drain 100% of any power gained and power steal 8% of power drained.
Here he steals a negligible amount from an active power gain. Just below a bar, to just above: https://streamable.com/myqges
Chemistry one confuses me even more. Deals direct damage equal to 100% of health gained (health gained from what?) and then life steal 18% of the damage done (damage done, from what? The first sentence?) – is the health gained, health that would have been gained if the heal block wasn't active?
Here he lifesteals 32 hp then nothing for the rest of the time the heal block is active: https://streamable.com/omlb27
Physics breakthrough applies a power lock, as per the sig ability this breakthrough should be replaced by a new effect: power drain 100% of any power gained and power steal 8% of power drained.
Here he steals a negligible amount from an active power gain. Just below a bar, to just above: https://streamable.com/myqges
Chemistry one confuses me even more. Deals direct damage equal to 100% of health gained (health gained from what?) and then life steal 18% of the damage done (damage done, from what? The first sentence?) – is the health gained, health that would have been gained if the heal block wasn't active?
Here he lifesteals 32 hp then nothing for the rest of the time the heal block is active: https://streamable.com/omlb27
I would welcome anyone’s input.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
"power drain 100% of any power gained and power steal 8% of power drained"
Well, say you're fighting Thor Ragnarok as he triggers Boon of the Gods from nothing: You Power Lock him, and prevent him gaining a full three bars of power. That's obviously useful.
But when it comes to stealing the Power for yourself, Dr Octopus will only steal 8% of Max Power, or 1/4 of a Bar. That's about the same as he'd usually gain from landing a Heavy Attack.
It's nice in theory; but fairly trivial in practice.
Life Steal is slightly better - at Sig 20 you gain 18% of any health gain you've prevented. If the opponent has access to a heavy burst of regen, it could easily be a couple of thousand health/tick, which would equate to around 350/tick when Stolen by Doc. If you can get it right, that should at least be noticeable; if not game-changing.
A bit of me wants to say that Doc's Sig could easily be fixed by a bit of numbers tweaking in the buff program. But it's looking more and more like that's not the kind of thing we can be confident will happen...
Dr. Zola
Hulk Ragnarok is similar. They are bad champs for passive AI.
Unfortunately, Kabam has the AI adjust for your champ and will passive out on those champs.
(If in doubt, see how fast specials get thrown when you use a good power control champ like vision or doom)
When power locked: Drains all the power the opponent GAINS while power lock is active and steals some of the power drained for himself (higher the sig, more the power steal)
When heal blocked: Deals direct damage equal to 100% of the health gained (basically the opponent degens the amount of health they should be regenning) and regens a percentage of the damage dealt (life steal, scales with sig level)
The third part of his sig ability basically gives him some extra armor penetration, so it is a small damage boost
Remember: For his sig ability to be useful, you need to use his sp3 rotation and not the parry heavy.
One of the many instances where his sig ability has proved to be useful to me was during my completion of the "Sick Beast of a Player" Carina Challenge. You have to complete 6.3.3 with only doctor octopus. The havok boss has increased power gain and crumbling armor so trying to maintain doctor octopus' armor up the entire fight is a real pain in the ass. So, how do you prevent the plasma detonations? Well, Havok's abilities state that whenever he is power drained, he loses his plasma charges. No plasma charges = No plasma build up = No plasma detonation. Doctor Octopus' sig ability power drains the opponent when they are power locked. You get to an sp3, put a power lock debuff on havok, throw an sp3 and from there you just throw sp1s to refresh the power lock and keep havok power locked throughout the fight.
Does it have to be ability based healing for the lifesteal to work, or for example a heal blocked ROL wolverine would trigger life steal, even if his regen buffs don't active because of the heal.block?
The regen makes more sense in wolvie fight, thanks for clearing things up. It's the damage done that confused my, thinking it was damage I inflicted while under heal block.