Got an Omega red 5 ⭐ today. He is my first mutant 5 star champ

Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Member Posts: 462 ★★★
edited July 2022 in Strategy and Tips
I was wondering if i should spend any resources on Omega red, given that he is my first 5 star mutant champ, or should I wait for a better champ? I already have a four star Archangel duped R5, with Sig 16 as my top mutant champ. Please feel free to leave any comments.

Got an Omega red 5 ⭐ today. He is my first mutant 5 star champ 11 votes

yuwthe2425ladiesmanLuke9523FuskieGr8TonyStarkThe_HoTUwillrun4adonutThatcheriteShake_a_Quake 9 votes
999ozzCeder 2 votes


  • Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Member Posts: 462 ★★★
    Feel free to comment on Omega Red
  • ThatcheriteThatcherite Member Posts: 2
    He's pretty good. Just need synergy (Deadpool X-force / Sabretooth). High sigs really help too.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 3,227 ★★★★★
    He needs to be high sig, but is really good
  • FuskieFuskie Member Posts: 111
    Omega Red was my first Rank 5 5* champ and he put in a ton of work getting me to Cavalier. Then I pulled him and duped him as a 6* in the span of a week and started feeding him sig stones and he became the Rank 3 6* that got me TB. I think he is still Meta relevant and extremely good especially if you can get his sig up preferably too sig 200. And then if you run his synergy team also he becomes much better. The death spores just melt opponents away. The immunity to poison and bleed make him really suicide friendly. His bleed immunity isn't 100% either it's like 90% or something so basically just enough to make you want to take the bleed debuffs if you are running Willpower, you can really heal up nicely. I think he is still top 10 maybe even top 5 depending on who you ask in the Mutant Class.
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