Who Do Rank Up

CaseLawCaseLaw Member Posts: 1
edited July 2022 in Strategy and Tips
First Time Post But I Have Always Benefited From The Forums. So Who Do I Take To r4? CGR, Doom, Hyp, and AA I Love Playing
But Just Thought I Could Use A Little Healthy Discussion. Thanks!
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    Of the ones you listed yourself, I would probably go with Doom. He is an obvious top choice. I can't really say anything about him that you and everyone else who plays the game don't already know. He's just one of the best champs in the game.

    I personally took Immortal Abomination to r4 as my first champion and he's such a beast. I have no regrets whatsoever.

    Hercules could probably also benefit quite nicely from it. As OP as his immortality is, you still need to deal enough damage to the opponent in that time to KO them, or you're kind of screwed. Bumping up his stats allows you to deal more damage in that window.

    Archangel is the type of champion that I would normally rank up since I like to make my parry/heavy champions as beefy as possible so that they're not whittled down, but he's sooooo good that I don't know how much that extra health and damage output would benefit him.
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