Question about 7.3.6 easy path and special 2 dexing

Before I file a bug, I thought I'd ask you all if I'm missing something from the nodes. I'm on 7.3.6 easy path (Luke cage, Sabertooth, Thor, Nightcrawler, Green Goblin, Emma). It seems any special 2 with projectiles (Sabertooh, Green goblin) doesn't let you dex them. I've tried the path about 5 times now, varying champs, and I can never dex those special 2s. In contrast if I run through practice mode, or any other content, I can dex Sabtertooth's sp2 easily. Even in 7.3.6, if I block the first two hits of Green Goblin's sp2, and then try to dex the bomb (which I do all the time) is a failure.
Am I missing something in the nodes? Is it a bug?
Am I missing something in the nodes? Is it a bug?
Did carina challengers, took off Dex for dorm and then died twice(probably thrice) to Joe's sp2 before realising dex was off.