Question about 7.3.6 easy path and special 2 dexing

WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
Before I file a bug, I thought I'd ask you all if I'm missing something from the nodes. I'm on 7.3.6 easy path (Luke cage, Sabertooth, Thor, Nightcrawler, Green Goblin, Emma). It seems any special 2 with projectiles (Sabertooh, Green goblin) doesn't let you dex them. I've tried the path about 5 times now, varying champs, and I can never dex those special 2s. In contrast if I run through practice mode, or any other content, I can dex Sabtertooth's sp2 easily. Even in 7.3.6, if I block the first two hits of Green Goblin's sp2, and then try to dex the bomb (which I do all the time) is a failure.

Am I missing something in the nodes? Is it a bug?


  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,321 ★★★★★
    Happens to best of us.
    Did carina challengers, took off Dex for dorm and then died twice(probably thrice) to Joe's sp2 before realising dex was off.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,498 ★★★★★

    Happens to best of us.
    Did carina challengers, took off Dex for dorm and then died twice(probably thrice) to Joe's sp2 before realising dex was off.

    I’m done that’s to didn’t relice before I’m was done with joe fix so he sp2 always catch me haha
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★★
    I switched masteries and then used Quake on a path. I thought my Quake game was so bad because I was getting hit a lot. It turns out that I forgot to put a point in Dex. Lol.
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