First abyss run

FlickerFlicker Member Posts: 13
Hi everyone! I am bored, i have act 7 exploration done, variants too, so i am planning to do my first abyss run (easy path of course). Can you help me to prepare? I read a lot about abyss, i understand nodes, i watched a lot of videos, but i still need some advices.

My first problem is team.
I want to use 5/65 Aegon for most of the fight, r3 Human Torch for mystic fights and 5/65 Symbiote Supreme OR r3 Doom for cosmic fights - who do you think is better for easy path? If i had both r3 or 5/65, i’ll probably go with SymSup, but my Doom is r3.. Also, i need to add two aditional champs to my team, probably Fury (r3) and Heimdall, but i’m not sure.. I was thinking about Kitty (5/65) just for the Collector fight.. But maybe is Aegon’s heavy cheese better way to go? Any better champs i forgot?

And my second problem: How many revives and health potions will i need? My goal is to farm 100 20% revives and about 1,000 1650 health potions from ROL. Is that enough or totally overkill? I consider myself as a slightly above average player.. i did every LOL paths under 10 revives (maybe except the first one), eternity of pain week 5 took me 5 revives and i solo’d Grandmaster once! :D what do you think guys? I will appreciate every comment . :)


  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★
    I think you're good. 60 revives and 500 health pots will suffice. Just bring some extra units for safety but that'd be enough. Sym Sup or Doom? Both are good but for the easy path, Sym Sup is a little bit better. Bring Fury for Invisible Woman, she's annoying without a proper counter and Heimdall as your last piece will help you take down the Collector with ease. Goodluck.
  • FlickerFlicker Member Posts: 13

    I think you're good. 60 revives and 500 health pots will suffice. Just bring some extra units for safety but that'd be enough. Sym Sup or Doom? Both are good but for the easy path, Sym Sup is a little bit better. Bring Fury for Invisible Woman, she's annoying without a proper counter and Heimdall as your last piece will help you take down the Collector with ease. Goodluck.

    Yeah, i will probably use 5* Sym Sup, over r3 Doom.. And about that revives and potions.. i know i will farm more than that, just to avoid burning all of my units, energy refills for revive farming are still cheaper. :D
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