Way too difficult for returning players

I am a returning player, having quit soon after Venom's buff. I have returned due to boredom, only to find that, the stupidity of since-added champions aside, the game is much more difficult. Take this latest event (Valkyrie-Gorr event) for example: I am waaay beyond the Heroic difficulty, but not anywhere near being able to do Master. Yet I had just unlocked Act 5.1.2 when I quit, and back then I had used the pre-buff Storm and BP for a lot of 5.1.1. Variant difficulty on Back Issues was already obscene, or else the rewards for basic were obscene, but this is even worse. Even with buffed duped BP and buffed Storm, duped AA, a 4th duped 4* and a 5* Guillotine, I was unable to reach the boss on Master.
Plus the Exploration rewards for Heroic in events are now s***.
Plus the Exploration rewards for Heroic in events are now s***.
With so many new characters, as well, I can't possibly advance even as slowly as I used to, as I have no idea what they can do. Just reading their stats doesn't help me, I need to either fight them or use them to know how they work. I don't have anybody newer than Claire, Night Thrasher, Stealth Spidey, Annihilus, Diablo, (id remember which is newer, I was on and off at times ever since Venom' buff) except Dragon Man.
My advice would be to stick to story mode where new champs are gradually introduced.
There's no helping it - you were out fo the game for 2 years..that's a lot of time in MCOC.